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service extension.list.module in Drupal 10

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/ \extension.list.module
  2. 9 core/ \extension.list.module


119 string references to extension.list.module
AdminController::create in core/modules/system/src/Controller/AdminController.php
Instantiates a new instance of this class.
AjaxCssForm::generateResponse in core/modules/ckeditor/tests/modules/src/Form/AjaxCssForm.php
Generates an AJAX response to add CSS to a CKEditor Text Editor instance.
BookUninstallTest::testBookUninstall in core/modules/book/tests/src/Kernel/BookUninstallTest.php
Tests the book_system_info_alter() method.
BrowserTestBaseTest::testProfileModules in core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalTests/BrowserTestBaseTest.php
Ensures we can't access modules we shouldn't be able to after install.
BrowserTestBaseUserAgentTest::testUserAgentValidation in core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalTests/BrowserTestBaseUserAgentTest.php
Tests validation of the User-Agent header we use to perform test requests.

... See full list



View source
  1. class: Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleExtensionList
  2. arguments:
  3. - '%app.root%'
  4. - module
  5. - '@cache.default'
  6. - '@info_parser'
  7. - '@module_handler'
  8. - '@state'
  9. - '@config.factory'
  10. - '@extension.list.profile'
  11. - '%install_profile%'
  12. - '%container.modules%'