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function dropzonejs_eb_widget_update_8201 in DropzoneJS 8.2

Update configurations for configuration key renaming.


modules/eb_widget/dropzonejs_eb_widget.install, line 27
Install function hooks for the DropzoneJS entity browser widget module.


function dropzonejs_eb_widget_update_8201() {
  $logger = \Drupal::logger('dropzonejs');

  /** @var \Drupal\entity_browser\Entity\EntityBrowser[] $entity_browsers */
  $entity_browsers = EntityBrowser::loadMultiple();
  foreach ($entity_browsers as $entity_browser) {

    /** @var \Drupal\entity_browser\WidgetInterface[] $widgets */
    $widgets = $entity_browser
    $entity_browser_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
      ->getEditable('entity_browser.browser.' . $entity_browser
    $has_config_changes = FALSE;
    foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
      if ($widget instanceof MediaEntityDropzoneJsEbWidget) {
        $config = $widget
        if (!empty($config['settings']['media_entity_bundle']) && empty($config['settings']['media_type'])) {
          $has_config_changes = TRUE;
          $widget_id = $widget
          $value = $entity_browser_config
            ->get('widgets.' . $widget_id . '.settings.media_entity_bundle');
            ->set('widgets.' . $widget_id . '.settings.media_type', $value);
            ->clear('widgets.' . $widget_id . '.settings.media_entity_bundle');
            ->info(sprintf('Configuration changed for widget (%s) of entity browser (%s)', $widget
            ->label(), $entity_browser
        else {
            ->warning(sprintf('Unable to change configuration for widget (%s) of entity browser (%s)', $widget
            ->label(), $entity_browser
    if ($has_config_changes) {