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function drd_server_server_list_updates in Drupal Remote Dashboard Server 7.2

DRD Action to determine all available updates for the current core including all disabled modules.

Return value

string Returnable string to DRD.

1 string reference to 'drd_server_server_list_updates'
drd_server_drd_server_actions in ./drd_server.module
Implements hook_drd_server_actions().


./, line 115
Provides core related functionality triggered by DRD.


function drd_server_server_list_updates() {
  if (!module_exists('update')) {
  $org_setting = variable_get('update_check_disabled', FALSE);
  variable_set('update_check_disabled', TRUE);
  variable_set('update_last_check', 0);
  $result = drd_server_domain_list_updates('server');
  variable_set('update_check_disabled', $org_setting);

  // Just return result as is, it has been processed already.
  return $result;