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Functions in DRD Agent 7.3

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drd_agent ./drd_agent.module Menu callback to execute the remote request for an action. 2
drd_agent_admin_paths ./drd_agent.module Implements hook_admin_paths().
drd_agent_authorize ./ Form to authorize DRD authorization by the admin. 1
drd_agent_authorize_secret ./drd_agent.module Menu callback to authorize a DRD instance by a secret. 1
drd_agent_authorize_submit ./ Submit handler for the DRD authorization form which will then store the values and redirect back to DRD.
drd_agent_crypt ./drd_agent.module Menu callback to return an array containing supported crypt methods. 1
drd_agent_deliver ./drd_agent.module Callback to deliver the result of the action in json format. 1
drd_agent_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
drd_agent_menu ./drd_agent.module Implements hook_menu().
drd_agent_requirements ./drd_agent.install
drd_agent_settings ./ Settings form for the current module. 1
drd_agent_setup ./ Callback that receives all relevant parameters from a monitoring DRD instance base64 and json encoded in $values. This is called by a menu callback or from drush. 2
drush_drd_agent_setup ./ Drush command to configure this domain for communcation with a DRD instance.
_drd_agent_get_domain ./ Internal callback to extract the DRD domain from the DRD authorization values. 1
_drd_agent_setup_decode ./ Internal callback to decode the values for DRD authorization. 2
_drd_get_lib ./drd_agent.module Callback to download the DRD library if required, 4

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