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function template_preprocess_draggableviews_view_draggabletable in DraggableViews 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 \template_preprocess_draggableviews_view_draggabletable()
  2. 6.2 \template_preprocess_draggableviews_view_draggabletable()
  3. 7 \template_preprocess_draggableviews_view_draggabletable()

Display a view as a draggable table style.


./, line 6


function template_preprocess_draggableviews_view_draggabletable(&$vars) {
  $view = $vars['view'];

  // We need the raw data for this grouping, which is passed in as $vars['rows'].
  // However, the template also needs to use for the rendered fields.  We
  // therefore swap the raw data out to a new variable and reset $vars['rows']
  // so that it can get rebuilt.
  $result = $vars['rows'];
  $vars['rows'] = array();
  $options = $view->style_plugin->options;
  $handler = $view->style_plugin;
  $fields =& $view->field;
  $columns = $handler
    ->sanitize_columns($options['columns'], $fields);
  $active = !empty($handler->active) ? $handler->active : '';
  $order = !empty($handler->order) ? $handler->order : 'asc';
  $query = tablesort_get_querystring();
  if ($query) {
    $query = '&' . $query;
  foreach ($columns as $field => $column) {

    // render the header labels
    if ($field == $column && empty($fields[$field]->options['exclude'])) {
      $label = check_plain(!empty($fields[$field]) ? $fields[$field]
        ->label() : '');
      if (empty($options['info'][$field]['sortable'])) {
        $vars['header'][$field] = $label;
      else {

        // @todo -- make this a setting
        $initial = 'asc';
        if ($active == $field && $order == 'asc') {
          $initial = 'desc';
        $image = theme('tablesort_indicator', $initial);
        $title = t('sort by @s', array(
          '@s' => $label,
        $link_options = array(
          'html' => true,
          'attributes' => array(
            'title' => $title,
          'query' => 'order=' . urlencode($field) . '&sort=' . $initial . $query,
        $vars['header'][$field] = l($label . $image, $_GET['q'], $link_options);

    // Create a second variable so we can easily find what fields we have and what the
    // CSS classes should be.
    $vars['fields'][$field] = views_css_safe($field);
    if ($active == $field) {
      $vars['fields'][$field] .= ' active';

    // Render each field into its appropriate column.
    foreach ($result as $num => $row) {
      if (!empty($fields[$field]) && empty($fields[$field]->options['exclude'])) {
        $field_output = $fields[$field]

        // Don't bother with separators and stuff if the field does not show up.
        if (!isset($field_output) && isset($vars['rows'][$num][$column])) {

        // Place the field into the column, along with an optional separator.
        if (isset($vars['rows'][$num][$column])) {
          if (!empty($options['info'][$column]['separator'])) {
            $vars['rows'][$num][$column] .= filter_xss_admin($options['info'][$column]['separator']);
        else {
          $vars['rows'][$num][$column] = '';
        $vars['rows'][$num][$column] .= $field_output;
  $vars['class'] = 'views-table';
  if (!empty($options['sticky'])) {
    $vars['class'] .= " sticky-enabled";


  // get style options
  $style_options = $vars['view']->display['default']->display_options['style_options'];

  // check for available tabledrag options
  if (!isset($style_options['tabledrag_options'])) {

    // if there are no tabledrag options defined
    // we have finished -> return

  // get tabledrag options
  $tabledrag_options = $style_options['tabledrag_options'];

  // check for not supported settings
  $match_nmbr = 0;
  foreach ($tabledrag_options as $tabledrag) {
    if ($tabledrag['tabledrag_action'] == 'match') {
  if ($match_nmbr > 1) {

    // more than 1 match-action is not supported in this version
    drupal_set_message(t("<strong>Multiple matching is not supported</strong> in this version. There were {$match_nmbr} tabledrag options found that use action=match.<br/><i>Draggableview</i> will not take effect. Please change style-plugin settings."), 'error');

  //get node type specifications
  $tabledrag_types = $style_options['tabledrag_types'];

  //get depth weight fields
  $tabledrag_depth_fields = $style_options['tabledrag_depth_fields'];

  // get node type sepcification
  $node_type_spec = array();
  if (count($tabledrag_types) > 0) {
    foreach ($tabledrag_types as $tabledrag_type) {
      $node_type_spec[$tabledrag_type['field_type']] = $tabledrag_type['type'];

  // some variables
  $match_used = false;

  // need to check if tabledrag{action:match;relationship:parent) is beeing used
  // output data
  $vars['tabledrag'] = array();

  // tabledrag settings
  $vars['tabledrag_tableId'] = 'draggableview_' . $view->name;

  // set table id
  // prepare tabledrag settings for output
  foreach ($tabledrag_options as $tabledrag) {
    $vars['tabledrag'][] = array(
      'source' => $tabledrag['tabledrag_action'] == 'match' ? 'hidden_nid' : $tabledrag['tabledrag_source'],
      /* Tabledrag action:match uses the node id to refernce the parent node.
         The nid - if needed - will be provided as a hidden field. */
      'action' => $tabledrag['tabledrag_action'],
      'relationship' => $tabledrag['tabledrag_relationship'],
      'group' => $tabledrag['tabledrag_source'],
      // @todo $tabledrag['tabledrag_group'],
      'subgroup' => $tabledrag['tabledrag_source'],
      // @todo $tabledrag['tabledrag_subgroup'],

      /* we don't use the options group and subgroup in this version.
         Maybe we need them in the future.*/
      'hidden' => $style_options['tabledrag_visible']['visible'] ? FALSE : TRUE,
      'limit' => count($tabledrag_depth_fields) - 1,

    //find out if {action:match,relationship:parent} is used
    if ($tabledrag['tabledrag_action'] == 'match' && $tabledrag['tabledrag_relationship'] == 'parent') {

      // check if tabledrag{relationship:sibling}
      $match_used = true;

      // notice that action:match is beeing used
      // get name of field where the parent id is saved in
      // (In case of tabledrag{action:match,relationship:parent} the tabledrag_source field
      //  describes the field that contains the parent node)
      $tabledrag_parent_field_name = $tabledrag['tabledrag_source'];

      // get field alias
      $tabledrag_parent_field_alias = $fields[$tabledrag_parent_field_name]->field_alias;

      // let realtimeedit module know about fields
        'draggableviews' => array(
          $tabledrag['tabledrag_relationship'] => $tabledrag['tabledrag_source'],
      ), 'setting');

      // break now as we don't support more than one parent type

  /* Make selected fields editable
  foreach ($vars['rows'] as $num => $row) {
    $node_id = $result[$num]->nid;

    // get node id
    $tmpNode = node_load(array(
      'nid' => $node_id,

    // load node
    // set node type specification, if available (such as 'tabledrag-root')
    if (isset($node_type_spec[$tmpNode->type])) {
      $vars['tabledrag_type'][$num] = 'tabledrag-' . $node_type_spec[$tmpNode->type];

    // get hierarchy depth of current row
    $depth = $match_used ? _draggableviews_get_hierarchy_depth($node_id, $result, $tabledrag_parent_field_alias) : 0;

    // build indentation (as drupal-tabledrag requires)
    $indentation = theme('indentation', $depth);

    // rebuild fields as form elements
    foreach ($tabledrag_options as $tabledrag) {

      // get field information
      $field_name = $tabledrag['tabledrag_source'];
      $real_field_name = $fields[$field_name]->content_field['field_name'];

      /* get field alias
       * we need to determine the views field alias to get access to the fields value

      /* unset field alias, so we can check later with
       * isset(..) whether a field alias was found or not */
      if ($depth == 0 || ($tabledrag['tabledrag_action'] == 'match' || $tabledrag['tabledrag_relationship'] == 'parent')) {

        // if tabledrag{action:match;relationship:sibling} is present
        // or hierarchy depth = 0
        // always use tabledrag_source (specified in tabledrag-options)
        // set field alias
        $field_alias = $fields[$field_name]->field_alias;
      else {

        // else (tabledrag{action:sibling;relationship:order} is present)
        // use weight field of highest hierarchy level (as drupal-tabledrag requires)
        // check if field exists
        if (isset($fields[$tabledrag_depth_fields['field_' . $depth]]->field_alias)) {

          // set field alias
          $field_alias = $fields[$tabledrag_depth_fields['field_' . $depth]]->field_alias;
        else {
          drupal_set_message(t('There is no field for depth=' . $depth . ' specified. Check the style-plugin settings.'), 'error');

      // now we are able to get the value of the result..
      // using the accurate field alias we determined before
      if (isset($field_alias)) {
        $value = $result[$num]->{$field_alias};
        if ($tabledrag['tabledrag_relationship'] == 'parent') {

          // in case of relationship:parent we can be sure the should be a nodereference
          // check if node still exists. It could had been deleted!
          if (!node_load(array(
            'nid' => $value,
          ))) {

            // if parent node doesn't exist any more unset value
      else {

        // if field alias is empty
        drupal_set_message('$field_alias not available ($result[' . $num . ']->' . $field_alias . ').', 'error');

      // get accurate form element depending on field type
      $form_element = _draggableviews_get_form_element($node_id, $field_name, $real_field_name, $value);

      // render new form element
      $vars['rows'][$num][$field_name] = drupal_render($form_element);

    // if required add node id field
    if ($match_used == true) {

      // build form element
      $hidden_nid = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#name' => 'hidden_nid',
        '#value' => $node_id,
        '#attributes' => array(
          'class' => 'hidden_nid',

      // append rendered hidden node id to last rendered field
      $vars['rows'][$num][$field_name] .= drupal_render($hidden_nid);

      // put indentation in front of first rendered field
      $first_field = each($vars['rows'][$num]);
      $vars['rows'][$num][$first_field['key']] = $indentation . $vars['rows'][$num][$first_field['key']];

    if (module_exists('realtimeedit') && user_access('administer nodes')) {

      // check permissions

      //get enabled fields
      $realtimeedit_enabled_fields = $style_options['realtimeedit_enabled_fields'];

      // get realtimeedit enabled fields sepcification
      $enabled_fields_spec = array();
      if (count($realtimeedit_enabled_fields) > 0) {
        foreach ($realtimeedit_enabled_fields as $enabled_field) {
          $enabled_fields[$enabled_field['field']] = true;

      // prepare all fields
      foreach ($fields as $key => $field_obj) {
        if ($enabled_fields[$key] && $field_obj->options['exclude'] == 0) {

          // check if field is not exluded from display

          //watchdog('special', '<pre>'.print_r($field_obj, true).'</pre>');

          // set unique selector
          $css_class = 'realtimeedit-field';
          $selector = 'realtimeedit-field-' . $node_id . '-' . $field_obj->definition['content_field_name'] . '-alias-' . $key;
          $wrapper_id = $selector . '-wrapper';
          $ahah_binding = array(
            'url' => url('realtimeedit/ajax'),
            'event' => 'click',
            'wrapper' => $wrapper_id,
            'selector' => '#' . $selector,
            'effect' => 'fade',
            'method' => 'replace',
            'progress' => array(
              'type' => 'throbber',

          // add js
            'ahah' => array(
              $selector => $ahah_binding,
          ), 'setting');

          // append rendered hidden node id to last rendered field
          // check if field uses link
          if ($field_obj->options['link_to_node'] == 0) {
            $vars['rows'][$num][$key] = '<span id="' . $wrapper_id . '" class="' . $css_class . '">' . $vars['rows'][$num][$key] . '</span>';

            //$vars['rows'][$num][$key] .= '<a href="#" id="' . $selector . '">edit</span>';