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function _draggableviews_book_uasort in DraggableViews 7.2

Custom sort callback based on weights arrays.

1 string reference to '_draggableviews_book_uasort'
draggableviews_book_views_post_execute in draggableviews_book/draggableviews_book.module
Implements hook_views_post_execute().


draggableviews_book/draggableviews_book.module, line 93


function _draggableviews_book_uasort($item1, $item2) {
  for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {

    // Item 1 is less than item 2.
    if (isset($item1->weight[$i]) && !isset($item2->weight[$i])) {
      return 1;

    // Item 2 is less than item 1.
    if (!isset($item1->weight[$i]) && isset($item2->weight[$i])) {
      return -1;
    if (isset($item1->weight[$i]) && isset($item2->weight[$i])) {
      if ($item1->weight[$i] != $item2->weight[$i]) {
        return $item1->weight[$i] < $item2->weight[$i] ? -1 : 1;
      elseif (isset($item1->weight[$i + 1]) || isset($item2->weight[$i + 1])) {

        // Loop again as there are more weights at a greater depth to compare.
      else {

        // By elimination, we know the weight and depth are the same.  Sort by title.
        return strcmp($item1->node_title, $item2->node_title);