DashboardAddForm |
class |
Drupal\draggable_dashboard\Form |
src/Form/DashboardAddForm.php |
Provides the path add form. |
1 |
DashboardDeleteForm |
class |
Drupal\draggable_dashboard\Form |
src/Form/DashboardDeleteForm.php |
Provides a form to delete Dashboard Form. |
1 |
DashboardEditForm |
class |
Drupal\draggable_dashboard\Form |
src/Form/DashboardEditForm.php |
Provides the draggable dashboard edit form. |
1 |
DashboardEntity |
class |
Drupal\draggable_dashboard\Entity |
src/Entity/DashboardEntity.php |
Defines the Dashboard entity. |
7 |
DashboardEntityInterface |
interface |
Drupal\draggable_dashboard\Entity |
src/Entity/DashboardEntityInterface.php |
Provides an interface for defining Dashboard entities. |
1 |
2 |
DashboardFormBase |
abstract class |
Drupal\draggable_dashboard\Form |
src/Form/DashboardFormBase.php |
Provides a base class for draggable dashboard add/edit forms. |
3 |
DashboardManageForm |
class |
Drupal\draggable_dashboard\Form |
src/Form/DashboardManageForm.php |
Provides the draggable dashboard edit form. |
1 |
DraggableBlock |
class |
Drupal\draggable_dashboard\Plugin\Block |
src/Plugin/Block/DraggableBlock.php |
Provides a draggable block with a simple text. |
DraggableBlockDeriver |
class |
Drupal\draggable_dashboard\Plugin\Block |
src/Plugin/Block/DraggableBlockDeriver.php |
This deriver creates a block for every dashboard that has been created. |
DraggableDashboardController |
class |
Drupal\draggable_dashboard\Controller |
src/Controller/DraggableDashboardController.php |
Controller routines for draggable dashboards. |