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Files in Domain Context 7

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Domain Context 6.x-1.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx --------------------------------------- o by xjm: Coding standards cleanup. o by rasantiago, rjstatic: Approved domaincontext module. name = Domain Context description = "Provides a Domain condition plugin for the Context module." package = "Domain Access" core = 7.x dependencies[] = domain dependencies[] = context files[] =…
domaincontext.install domaincontext.install Install file for the domaincontext module.
domaincontext.module domaincontext.module Provides a Domain condition plugin for the Context module. plugins/ Context plugin to supply the domain as a context condition.
README.txt README.txt Domain Context ----------------------------------------- This module integrates the Domain Access module and the Context module. When enabled a new 'Domain' condition is available in all Contexts that allows you to choose which Domains as…

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