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function domain_locale_features_selection in Domain Locale 7

Processes export data selections consistently.


$data: Array of selections from the features component form.

Return value

An array of domains, keyed by machine_name.

1 call to domain_locale_features_selection()
domain_locale_features_export in ./
Implements hook_features_export().


./domain_locale.module, line 650
Provides domain specific language settings.


function domain_locale_features_selection($data) {
  if (!empty($data['all-locales'])) {
    $data = array();

    // list all domain locales
    foreach (domain_locale_list(FALSE) as $domain_id => $languages) {
      $this_domain = domain_lookup($domain_id);
      foreach ($languages as $language => $weight) {
        $data[$this_domain['machine_name'] . '__locale-placeholder__' . $language] = $this_domain['machine_name'] . '__locale-placeholder__' . $language;
  return $data;