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function hook_domain_entity_allowed_entity_types_alter in Domain Access Entity 7

Alter domain enabled entity types.

Allows modules to alter domain entity enabled entity, and their default assignation values by bundle.

This array is structured as follow: array( entity_type => array( bundle => array( widget_behaviour => array( default_value => default_value, ), ), other bundle => etc.. ), other entity => etc.. );

Example : array( 'commerce_order' => array( 'commerce_order' => array( DOMAIN_ENTITY_BEHAVIOR_USER => array( DOMAIN_ACTIVE => DOMAIN_ACTIVE ), ), ), );

You can't change the widget by this hook, there where no effects.

You can : You can unset an entity type from the array to disable query altering on this particular entity types.

You can change the default assignation values of each entity types bundles.

you can export configuration at install with that hook but you need to submit the domain configuration form after the installation. Except if you export the domain fields with feature or create it yourself after the install, see domain_entity_types_enable_domain_field($entity_types).


array $allowed_entity_types: (alterable) The domain entity settings array.

1 invocation of hook_domain_entity_allowed_entity_types_alter()
domain_entity_allowed_entity_types in ./domain_entity.module
Return the list of the domain_entity allowed entity types.


./domain_entity.api.php, line 55
Hooks provided by the domain_entity module.


function hook_domain_entity_allowed_entity_types_alter(&$allowed_entity_types) {
  if (isset($allowed_entity_types['commerce_order']) && strpos(current_path(), "all/my/commerce_order") === 0) {

    // Disable domain access rules on commerce_order on
    // the path all/my/commerce_order.