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Functions in Domain Access 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
domain_user_rules domain_user/domain_user.module Checks for existing domains to create rules 4
domain_user_strip_chars domain_user/domain_user.module Turn a user name into a domain-safe string. 1
domain_user_uninstall domain_user/domain_user.install Implement hook_uninstall()
domain_user_user domain_user/domain_user.module Implement hook_user()
domain_validate ./domain.module Validates a domain string. 2
domain_valid_domain ./domain.module Validate the domain against all correctable errors. 1
domain_view ./ The main administration page, a list of active domains.
domain_views_arguments domain_views/domain_views.module Implement hook_views_arguments(). Provide a filter that restricts a view to only show nodes from a specific domain (by domain_id). If you pass "current" as the argument, it filters according to the domain the page is being viewed from.
domain_views_handler_arg_domain_id domain_views/domain_views.module This is the function that handles all the work for dealing with view arguments There is some *very rough* documentation on argument handlers for views here 1
domain_views_query_substitutions domain_views/domain_views.module Substitute current domain; this works with cached queries.
domain_views_tables domain_views/domain_views.module @file Provides a Views filter for the Domain Access module.
domain_warning_check ./domain.module Sets a message to the site admin. 1
hook_domainbatch ./API.php Allows modules to expose batch editing functions.
hook_domainconf ./API.php Allows modules to add additional form elements for saving as domain-specific settings.
hook_domaincron ./API.php Enables Domain Access modules to fire cron hooks across all active domains.
hook_domainform ./API.php Allows other modules to add elements to the default Domain settings page.
hook_domaingrants ./API.php Notify other modules that we are granting access to a node.
hook_domainignore ./API.php Return an array of forms for which we cannot run hook_form_alter().
hook_domaininstall ./API.php Some Domain modules require that settings.php be edited to add additional files during the bootstrap process.
hook_domainlinks ./API.php Returns links to additional functions for the Domain Access module's admin screen
hook_domainload ./API.php Notifies other modules that we are loading a domain record from the database.
hook_domainnav ./API.php Enables modules to add additional parameters to the $domain array for use by the Domain Navigation module.
hook_domainrecords ./API.php Notify other modules that we are saving node access records.
hook_domainupdate ./API.php Notify other modules that we have created a new domain or updated a domain record.
hook_domainview ./API.php Allows Domain modules to add columns to the domain list view at path 'admin/build/domain/view'.
hook_domainwarnings ./API.php Allows a warning message to be printed when entering specific forms that may have values that vary on each domain.
theme_domain_batch_form ./ FormsAPI
theme_domain_batch_title ./ Theme function for displaying batch editing.
theme_domain_conf_reset domain_conf/domain_conf.module Theme a message at the top of domain configuration pages. 1
theme_domain_content_admin_nodes domain_content/domain_content.module Replaces the default theme function for the node administration form.
theme_domain_nav_default domain_nav/domain_nav.module Themes the domain list as a JavaScript selection form.
theme_domain_nav_menus domain_nav/domain_nav.module Themes the domain list as a menu-style group of tabs.
theme_domain_nav_ul domain_nav/domain_nav.module Themes the domain list as an unordered list of links.
theme_domain_prefix_configure_form domain_prefix/domain_prefix.module FormsAPI theming for domain_prefix_configure_form.
theme_domain_theme_reset domain_theme/domain_theme.module Theme a message at the top of domain theme pages. 1
_domain_conf_load domain_conf/ Load the varaibles for this subdomain 2 2
_domain_id_sort ./domain.module Helper sort function
_domain_name_sort ./domain.module Helper sort function
_domain_prefix_load domain_prefix/ Load the prefixes for this subdomain 2 2
_domain_prefix_sort domain_prefix/domain_prefix.module Helper sort function 2
_domain_rid_sort ./domain.module Helper sort function
_domain_rname_sort ./domain.module Helper sort function
_domain_rurl_sort ./domain.module Helper sort function
_domain_url_sort ./domain.module Helper sort function
_domain_write_records ./domain.module Store node_access records in the {domain_access{} table. 1


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