domain_theme.module in Domain Access 5
Same filename and directory in other branches
Domain Theme module for the Domain Access module group.
Originally written by canen;
domain_theme/domain_theme.moduleView source
* @defgroup domain_theme Domain Theme: manage themes
* Switch themes based on active domain.
* @file
* Domain Theme module for the Domain Access module group.
* Originally written by canen;
* @ingroup domain_theme
* Implement hook_menu()
function domain_theme_menu($may_cache) {
$items = array();
if (!$may_cache) {
// Menu items for configuring themes.
$items[] = array(
'title' => t('Domain theme settings'),
'path' => 'admin/build/domain/theme',
'access' => user_access('administer domains'),
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'callback' => 'domain_theme_page',
'callback arguments' => array(
$items[] = array(
'title' => t('Domain site settings'),
'path' => 'admin/build/domain/theme-reset',
'access' => user_access('administer domains'),
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'callback' => 'domain_theme_reset',
'callback arguments' => array(
// Assign the theme selected, based on the active domain.
global $_domain, $custom_theme;
$default_theme = variable_get('theme_default', 'garland');
$theme = domain_theme_lookup($_domain['domain_id']);
// The above returns -1 on failure.
if ($theme != -1) {
if (arg(0) == 'admin') {
$custom_theme = variable_get('admin_theme', '0');
else {
$custom_theme = $theme['theme'];
return $items;
* The domain theme page callback router.
* @param $domain_id
* The unique identifier for this domain, taken from {domain}.
function domain_theme_page($domain_id) {
global $_domain;
$domain = domain_lookup($domain_id);
$output = theme_domain_theme_reset($domain);
if ($domain['domain_id']) {
// Ensure we are on the proper domain.
drupal_set_title(t('@site : Domain theme settings', array(
'@site' => $domain['sitename'],
include_once '';
return $output . drupal_get_form('system_themes');
else {
return t('Invalid domain request.');
* Resets theme settings by removing the domain row from {domain_theme}.
* @param $domain_id
* The domain_id of the requested domain.
* @return
* A confirmation form.
function domain_theme_reset($domain_id) {
$domain = domain_lookup($domain_id);
if ($domain == -1) {
return t('An invalid request has been made.');
return drupal_get_form('domain_theme_reset_form', $domain);
* FormsAPI for resetting a domain themes.
* @param $domain
* The $domain object for the selected domain.
* @return
* Themed HTML form.
function domain_theme_reset_form($domain) {
$extra['domain_id'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $domain['domain_id'],
$extra['#redirect'] = 'admin/build/domain/theme/' . $domain['domain_id'];
$form = confirm_form($extra, t('Are you sure you wish to reset the theme for %name?', array(
'%name' => $domain['sitename'],
)), 'admin/build/domain/theme/' . $domain_id, t('Submitting this form will restore default theme for this domain.'));
return $form;
* FormsAPI for domain_theme_reset_form.
function domain_theme_reset_form_submit($form_id, $form_values) {
db_query("DELETE FROM {domain_theme} WHERE domain_id = %d", $form_values['domain_id']);
// Clear the cache.
drupal_set_message(t('Domain theme settings have been reset.'));
* Theme a message at the top of domain theme pages.
* @param $domain
* The $domain object for the selected domain.
* @return
* Themed HTML messages.
function theme_domain_theme_reset($domain) {
$output = '';
$output .= '<p>' . t('These settings will replace your default site theme when %name is the active domain.', array(
'%name' => $domain['sitename'],
)) . '</p>';
$data = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT theme FROM {domain_theme} WHERE domain_id = %d", $domain['domain_id']));
if (!empty($data)) {
$output .= '<p>' . t('You may <a href="!url">erase these settings</a> to restore the default behavior.', array(
'!url' => url('admin/build/domain/theme-reset/' . $domain['domain_id']),
)) . '</p>';
return $output;
* Get domain theme information
* @param $domain_id
* The domain_id taken from {domain}. Optional.
* @param $theme
* The string representation of a {domain_theme} entry. Optional.
* @param $clear
* A boolean flag to clear the static variable if necessary. Not used. Here for consistency.
* @return
* An array containing the requested row from the {domain_theme} table.
* Returns -1 on failure.
function domain_theme_lookup($domain_id = NULL, $theme = NULL, $clear = FALSE) {
if (!is_null($domain_id)) {
$return = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT domain_id, theme, settings FROM {domain_theme} WHERE domain_id = %d", $domain_id));
else {
if (!is_null($theme)) {
$return = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT domain_id, theme, settings FROM {domain_theme} WHERE theme= '%s'", $theme));
if (empty($return)) {
$return = -1;
return $return;
* Implement hook_domainlinks()
function domain_theme_domainlinks($domain) {
$links[] = array(
'title' => t('theme'),
'path' => 'admin/build/domain/theme/' . $domain['domain_id'],
return $links;
* Implement hook_domainform()
function domain_theme_domainform(&$form) {
// Set the module weight for Domain Theme,
$module_weight = variable_get('domain_theme_weight', 0);
db_query("UPDATE {system} SET weight = %d WHERE name = 'domain_theme' AND type = 'module'", $module_weight);
// Add the form element to the main screen.
$form['domain_theme'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Theme settings'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
$options = drupal_map_assoc(array(
$form['domain_theme']['domain_theme_weight'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Domain Theme execution order'),
'#options' => $options,
'#default_value' => $module_weight,
'#description' => t('If you use other modules that allow custom user or group themes, you may experience conflicts
with the Domain Theme module. Use this setting to vary the execution order of the Domain Theme module. Lower
(negative) values will execute earlier in the Drupal page building process.'),
* Implement hook_domainbatch()
function domain_theme_domainbatch() {
$batch = array();
// Allows the deletion of all Domain Theme rows.
$batch['domain_theme'] = array(
'#form' => array(
'#title' => t('Reset themes'),
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#options' => array(
'#description' => t('Delete custom theme settings for this domain.'),
'#permission' => 'administer site configuration',
'#domain_action' => 'domain_delete',
'#system_default' => 0,
'#meta_description' => t('Delete custom theme settings for domains as supplied by Domain Theme.'),
'#table' => 'domain_theme',
'#weight' => -2,
// Change themes for sites.
$themes = list_themes();
$options = array();
foreach ($themes as $theme) {
if ($theme->status == 1) {
$options[$theme->name] = $theme->name;
$batch['site_theme'] = array(
'#form' => array(
'#title' => t('Theme settings'),
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => $options,
'#description' => t('Select the theme for this domain.'),
'#domain_action' => 'custom',
'#lookup' => 'domain_theme_lookup',
'#submit' => 'domain_theme_batch',
'#system_default' => variable_get('theme_default', 'garland'),
'#variable' => 'theme_default',
'#meta_description' => t('Change the themes for all domains.'),
'#data_type' => 'integer',
'#weight' => -6,
return $batch;
* Custom handler for domain_theme_domainbatch().
* @param $form_values
* The form values passed by the FormsAPI.
function domain_theme_batch($form_values) {
foreach ($form_values['domain_batch'] as $key => $value) {
if ($key > 0) {
$data = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT theme FROM {domain_theme} WHERE domain_id = %d", $key));
if (isset($data['theme'])) {
db_query("UPDATE {domain_theme} SET theme = '%s' WHERE domain_id = %d", $value, $key);
else {
db_query("INSERT INTO {domain_theme} (domain_id, theme) VALUES (%d, '%s')", $key, $value);
else {
variable_set('theme_default', $value);
* Implement hook_domainwarnings()
function domain_theme_domainwarnings() {
return array(
Name![]() |
Description |
domain_theme_batch | Custom handler for domain_theme_domainbatch(). |
domain_theme_domainbatch | Implement hook_domainbatch() |
domain_theme_domainform | Implement hook_domainform() |
domain_theme_domainlinks | Implement hook_domainlinks() |
domain_theme_domainwarnings | Implement hook_domainwarnings() |
domain_theme_lookup | Get domain theme information |
domain_theme_menu | Implement hook_menu() |
domain_theme_page | The domain theme page callback router. |
domain_theme_reset | Resets theme settings by removing the domain row from {domain_theme}. |
domain_theme_reset_form | FormsAPI for resetting a domain themes. |
domain_theme_reset_form_submit | FormsAPI for domain_theme_reset_form. |
theme_domain_theme_reset | Theme a message at the top of domain theme pages. |