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function theme_domain_views_view_multiple_field in Domain Access 6.2

Theme multiple field output.

Note that we only use $items in the default, but other themes might wish to leverage the extra data.


$items: An array of output strings, as defined by the view field definition.

$field: A string representing the name of the field being displayed.

$values: An object containing the prepared views data, before it was altered by our handler.

Return value

Themed HTML output.

1 theme call to theme_domain_views_view_multiple_field()
domain_views_handler_field_domain_sitename::render in domain_views/includes/


domain_views/domain_views.module, line 55
Provides a Views filter for the Domain Access module.


function theme_domain_views_view_multiple_field($items, $field, $values) {
  $output = '';
  foreach ($items as $item) {
    $output .= '<div class="field-item">' . $item . '</div>';
  return $output;