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function domain_views_access in Domain Access 6.2

Access callback for use with domain_views_plugin_access.


$domains: An array of domain ids that may access this view.

$strict: Boolean value indicating if strict rules should be applied.

$member: Boolean value indicating if membership rules should be applied.

Return value

Boolean TRUE or FALSE.

1 call to domain_views_access()
domain_views_plugin_access::access in domain_views/includes/
1 string reference to 'domain_views_access'
domain_views_plugin_access::get_access_callback in domain_views/includes/


domain_views/domain_views.module, line 75
Provides a Views filter for the Domain Access module.


function domain_views_access($domains, $strict = TRUE, $member = FALSE) {
  global $_domain, $user;
  $account = $user;
  $check = FALSE;

  // Apply membership rules?
  if ($member) {
    $grants['domain_id'] = domain_get_user_domains($account);
    if (isset($grants['domain_id'][-1])) {
      $grants['domain_id'][0] = 0;
    $check = TRUE;

  // Apply strict rules? These are harsher than membership and get applied last.
  if ($strict) {
    $grants = domain_views_get_grants();
    $check = TRUE;

  // If no grants, stop.
  if ($check && (empty($grants['domain_id']) || !in_array($_domain['domain_id'], $grants['domain_id']))) {
    return FALSE;
  else {
    if (!$check) {
      $grants['domain_id'] = array(

  // Otherwise, convert and check.
  foreach ($grants['domain_id'] as $grant) {
    if ($grant == 0) {
      $grant = -1;
    if (in_array($grant, $domains)) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;