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function _domain_views_alter_grants in Domain Access 6.2

Helper function to hook_domaingrants(). This should be replaced by a drupal_alter().

1 call to _domain_views_alter_grants()
domain_views_get_grants in domain_views/domain_views.module
Helper function to return the node grants for this user.


domain_views/domain_views.module, line 144
Provides a Views filter for the Domain Access module.


function _domain_views_alter_grants(&$grants) {
  static $_modules;
  if (!isset($_modules)) {
    $_modules = module_implements('domaingrants');
  if (!empty($_modules)) {
    foreach ($_modules as $module) {

      // Cannot use module_invoke_all() since these are passed by reference.
      $function = $module . '_domaingrants';
      $function($grants, $account, $op);