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README.txt in Domain Access 6.2

README file for Domain Theme


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  1. /**
  2. * @file
  3. * README file for Domain Theme
  4. */
  5. Domain Access: Theme
  6. Assign themes to domains created by the Domain Access modules.
  8. --------
  9. 1. Introduction
  10. 1.1 Upgrading
  11. 1.2 Contributors
  12. 2. Installation
  13. 2.1 Dependencies
  14. 3. Configuration Options
  15. 3.1 Theme Settings
  16. 3.2 Domain-Specific Themes
  17. 3.3 Domain-Specific Theme Settings
  18. 3.4 Color Module Notes
  19. 3.5 Conflicts With Other Modules
  20. 4. Batch Updates
  21. 5. Developer Notes
  22. 5.1 Database Schema
  23. ----
  24. 1. Introduction
  25. The Domain Theme module is a small module that allows you to assign
  26. different themes for each active domain created with the Domain Access
  27. module.
  28. You may also set domain-specific settings for each theme.
  29. ----
  30. 1.1 Upgrading
  31. If you used Domain Theme prior to 6.x.2.0rc7, you will need to run the
  32. Drupal upgrade script.
  33. ----
  34. 1.2 Contributors
  35. Drupal user 'canen' wrote the first implementation
  36. of this module. The current release version is based on that work.
  37. ----
  38. 2. Installation
  39. The Domain Theme module is included in the Domain Access download.
  40. To install, untar the domain package and place the entire folder in your modules
  41. directory.
  42. When you enable the module, it will create a {domain_theme} table in your Drupal
  43. database.
  44. ----
  45. 2.1 Dependencies
  46. Domain Theme requires the Domain Access module be installed and active.
  47. ----
  48. 3. Configuration Options
  49. The Domain Theme modules adds configuration options to the main module and
  50. to each of your domains.
  51. ----
  52. 3.1 Theme Settings
  53. This module edits the global $custom_theme variable for your site. Other
  54. modules -- especially the Organic Groups module -- may also attempt to modify
  55. this variable.
  56. If you use other modules that allow custom user or group themes, you may
  57. experience conflicts with the Domain Theme module. Use this setting to vary the
  58. execution order of the Domain Theme module. Lower (negative) values will
  59. execute earlier in the Drupal page building process.
  60. You may need to experiment with this setting to get the desired result.
  61. ----
  62. 3.2 Domain-Specific Themes
  63. When active, the Domain Theme module will add a 'theme' link to the Domain List
  64. screen.
  65. When you click the 'theme' link for a domain record, you can set the default
  66. theme for use by that domain. This form works just like the default system
  67. theme selection form, with the following notes:
  68. -- You cannot enable themes from this screen. Themes must be enabled globally.
  69. You may configure domain-specific theme settings by clicking on the 'configure'
  70. link.
  71. NOTE: When viewing this configuration page, the theme's domain-specific
  72. settings will be displayed and the page's theme will change.
  73. ----
  74. 3.3 Domain-Specific Theme Settings
  75. New in versions 6.x.2.0rc7 and higher, you may configure custom theme settings
  76. per domain. This can be very useful in swapping out logo files per domain, or
  77. changed the color of Garland for each domain.
  78. To enable theme-specific setting, click the configure link on the Domain Theme
  79. configure page. You will be presented with the standard Drupal theme
  80. configuration form.
  81. On page load, your domain-specific theme settings will be loaded automatically.
  82. If you configure a theme's settings without having selected a default theme for
  83. the domain, that theme will be made the default.
  84. NOTE: When viewing this configuration page, the theme's domain-specific
  85. settings will be displayed and the page's theme will change.
  86. ----
  87. 3.4 Color Module Notes
  88. The core Color module allows theme elements to have their colors reset, using
  89. CSS files and image transformations to copy necessary files to create subthemes.
  90. The primary use of Color module is by the default Garland theme.
  91. Color module is a difficult case, and this module works as expected in Garland
  92. and Minelli (both core Drupal themes). You may experience issues with custom
  93. themes, or with modules that dynamically add additional CSS files to the Color
  94. module.
  95. ----
  96. 3.5 Conflicts With Other Modules
  97. Due to how Drupal handles theme switching, you may experience a conflict if
  98. more than one module tries to alter the site theme. To work around this issue,
  99. Domain Theme provides a settings that allows you to adjust the module's
  100. execution order.
  101. The form is found at the bottom of the settings page for Domain Access,
  102. under the 'Theme settings' header.
  103. You may need to experiment with various weights before finding the correct
  104. setting for your site. Lower weights execute first. Zero is the default weight.
  105. ----
  106. 4. Batch Updates
  107. Domain Theme allows you to make batch changes to settings for all domains.
  108. You may also choose to remove domain-specific theme selections. Note that
  109. the batch editing form only allows you to change the active theme for a domain.
  110. You cannot use the batch edit screen to modify theme settings per-domain.
  111. Using the batch screen sets the active theme for all domains to the selected
  112. value(s).
  113. This feature is useful if you wish to roll back custom changes.
  114. ----
  115. 5. Developer Notes
  116. This module may not work as expected with custom or contributed themes.
  117. Use at your own risk.
  118. ----
  119. 5.1 Database Schema
  120. Installing the module creates a {domain_theme} table that contains:
  121. - domain_id
  122. Integer, unique
  123. The lookup key for this record, foreign key to the {domain} table.
  124. - theme
  125. String, unique
  126. The theme name assigned as the default for this domain.
  127. - settings
  128. Blob (bytea)
  129. A serialized array of theme settings for this domain. Currently not used.
  130. - status
  131. Integer (tiny)
  132. A boolean flag indicating that this is the active theme for the given domain.
  133. - filepath
  134. Varchar (255)
  135. A string containing the file location for Color module files for this theme.