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README.txt in Domain Access 7.3

README file for Domain Settings


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  1. /**
  2. * @file
  3. * README file for Domain Settings
  4. */
  5. Domain Access: Domain Specific Settings
  6. Allows domain specific use of Drupal system settings forms.
  8. --------
  9. 1. Introduction
  10. 1.1 Use-Case
  11. 1.2 Form Options
  12. 2. Installation
  13. 2.1 Dependencies
  14. 2.2 Permissions
  15. 2.3 Exceptions
  16. 3. Configuration Options
  17. 3.1 Domain Settings Behavior
  18. 3.2 Form Visibility
  19. 3.3 Allowed and Disallowed Forms
  20. ----
  21. 1. Introduction
  22. The Domain Access: Domain Settings module, is an optional extension of the
  23. Domain Access module. Domain Settings allows forms for other modules
  24. to save different settings for each of your affiliate sites.
  25. When enabled a 'Domain-specific settings' section will appear on all applicable
  26. forms allowing the domain to which the settings apply to be selected (see 2.2
  27. for a description of cases where this will not occur). The settings for a
  28. particular domain are revealed by opening the form from that domain.
  29. ----
  30. 1.1 Use-Case
  31. It is often desirable for affiliates to have domain specific settings. This
  32. was originally addressed using the Domain Configuration module to expose
  33. certain settings through a single UI, but other settings and especially those
  34. from contributed modules could only be included by adding exceptions in
  35. hook_domain_conf() or hook_domain_batch(). This is cumbersome for the site
  36. maintainer, and out of scope for the Domain Access project.
  37. Domain Settings makes it so that any form that uses system_settings_form() can
  38. be told to submit changes to a specific domain. For example, if you want to
  39. change the Site Information for one of your affiliates you can go to
  40. /admin/config/site-information from any of the affiliates, enter the
  41. desired information, select the appropriate affiliate from the 'Domain-specific
  42. settings' section and save the setting for that affiliate.
  43. ----
  44. 1.2 Form Options
  45. When saving a system setting, you will be given the option to save the
  46. value to a specific domain or to all domains.
  47. Simply select the domain the setting should apply to. If you are unsure,
  48. using 'all domains' will reset all values to those set by the form submission.
  49. ----
  50. 2. Installation
  51. To install, untar the Domain Settings package and place the entire folder in
  52. your modules directory.
  53. The Domain Settings module does not add any database tables.
  54. ----
  55. 2.1 Dependencies
  56. Domain Settings requires the Domain Access and Domain Conf modules be installed
  57. and active.
  58. ----
  59. 2.2 Permissions
  60. The module adds one permission, 'access domain settings form'. Users with
  61. this permission may select which domain a form setting is saved to.
  62. Users without this permission will have settings forms saved for the primary
  63. domain, regardless of the active domain.
  64. ----
  65. 2.3 Exceptions
  66. This module only works with forms that do not modify the handling of
  67. system_settings_form. As a result certain core forms (e.g., forums)
  68. cannot be made domain-specific.
  69. ----
  70. 3. Configuration Options
  71. When active, the Domain Settings module provides a 'Domain-specific settings'
  72. section in the settings tab of the Domain Access settings page (found at path
  73. 'admin/structure/domain/settings'). In this section you can configure the following
  74. behaviors.
  75. ----
  76. 3.1 Domain Settings Behavior
  77. The default value for which domain a form is saved to when submitting system
  78. settings can be set to either the primary domain or the active domain.
  79. This setting can be very helpful in preventing accidental misconfiguration of
  80. your sites.
  81. There are three options:
  82. -- Use the default domain
  83. Mimics the behavior of Drupal core and only saves the variable to the
  84. primary domain of your site.
  85. -- Use the active domain
  86. Defaults the form to store values for the current domain.
  87. -- All domains
  88. Defaults the form to submit the values to the primary domain and to erase
  89. custom values set for other domains. This option is included if you want
  90. this default behavior, but if this is what you selected, you should probably
  91. disable the entire module.
  92. ----
  93. 3.2 Form Visibility
  94. Like Drupal blocks, the Domain Settings form can be exposed or hidden
  95. to a specific list of forms. The 'Visibility of domain-specific settings on forms'
  96. setting allows you to specify the behavior you want.
  97. -- Show on every system settings form, except those listed below.
  98. This option will display Domain Settings on all eligible forms except those
  99. which are listed here.
  100. -- Show only on system settings forms listed below.
  101. This option will display Domain Settings only on eligible forms which are
  102. listed here.
  103. Note that the following forms cannot be used in either case, due to known
  104. conflicts.
  105. -- domain_settings_form
  106. -- system_file_system_settings
  107. -- system_performance_settings
  108. ----
  109. 3.3 Allowed and Disallowed Forms
  110. Domain-specific settings can be (dis)allowed for particular forms by entering a
  111. list of form_ids, one per line. This option is useful for site administrators
  112. who wish to prevent domain-specific settings on certain forms.
  113. Form ids are an internal Drupal identifier. Check for the
  114. specific form functions that control settings pages.
  115. You may also look at the generated HTML for the form 'id' element. This
  116. value can normally be used if you convert a dash (-) to an underscore (_).
  117. For example, the Site Information form at admin/settings/site-information
  118. creates this HTML:
  119. accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post"
  120. id="system-site-information-settings">
  121. The form_id is therefore 'system_site_information_settings', which may be
  122. entered in the form, omitting the quote marks.