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README.txt in Domain Access 7.2

README file for Domain Content


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  1. /**
  2. * @file
  3. * README file for Domain Content
  4. */
  5. Domain Access: Content Administration
  6. Provides a Content list screen for each active domain.
  8. --------
  9. 1. Introduction
  10. 1.1 Use-Case
  11. 2. Installation
  12. 2.1 Permissions
  13. 3. Menu Items
  14. 3.1 Access Control
  15. 3.2 Affiliated Content
  16. 3.3 Active Domains
  17. 4. Content Editing
  18. 4.1 Affiliates
  19. 4.2 Domain Access Options
  20. 4.3 Form Behavior
  21. 5. Developer Notes
  22. ----
  23. 1. Introduction
  24. The Domain Content provides an alternate page for batch editing site content.
  25. The module is part of the Domain Access module group.
  26. For administrative users, this module also enables a new batch update
  27. operation on the Content administration screen.
  28. ----
  29. 1.1 Use-Case
  30. Domain Access is a node access module. By design, Drupal's default content
  31. administration page does not respect node access rules.
  32. The Domain Content provides an additional set of batch content administration
  33. pages that respect the node access rules set by the Domain Access module.
  34. ----
  35. 2. Installation
  36. To install the module, simply untar the download and put it in your site's
  37. modules directory. After reading this document, enable the module normally.
  38. When you enable the module, no new tables will be created in your Drupal
  39. database.
  40. If you wish for users with the 'edit domain content' permission to access the
  41. Domain Content interface, you must enable the 'Use access control for
  42. editors' option under Advanced Settings on the Domains configuration page:
  43. Administer > Site Building > Domains
  44. ----
  45. 2.1 Permissions
  46. The Domain Content adds 'review content for all domains' permission to Access
  47. Control permissions and uses the existing permissions from the Domain Access
  48. module.
  49. ----
  50. 3. Menu Items
  51. When the module is installed, a new top-level Administration menu is created.
  52. This menu is titled 'Affiliated Content'.
  53. If your site has fewer domains than set in the Domain List Size setting
  54. of the main module, then each affilite will be given its own menu entry.
  55. The default size of this variable is 25.
  56. See for the rationale.
  57. ----
  58. 3.1 Access Control
  59. The relevant permissions to Domain Content are:
  60. - 'edit domain content'
  61. - 'set domain access'
  62. - 'review content for all domains'
  63. - 'administer nodes'
  64. Users with the 'edit domain content' permission can view content for domains where
  65. they are assigned editors. Users with the 'set domain access' permission can
  66. view content for domains where they are assigned editors _and_ reassign content
  67. to one or more affiliates.
  68. Users with the core 'administer nodes' permission may view and edit content on any
  69. affiliate.
  70. Either the 'administer nodes', 'edit domain content' or the 'review content for all
  71. domains' permission is required to access the 'Affiliated content' screen.
  72. ----
  73. 3.2 Affiliated Content
  74. The Affiliated Content link resides at the path 'admin/domain/content'. This
  75. page returns a list of all domains for which the user can edit or view content.
  76. By design, the first menu item under Affiliated Content is the 'Content for all
  77. affiliate sites' link. This page will show all content that is viewable across
  78. all site affiliates. [Technically, the page shows all content assigned to the
  79. 'domain_site' access realm.]
  80. ----
  81. 3.3 Active Domains
  82. For each active domain in your Domain Access configuration, the Domain Content
  83. module will set a new menu item. This page shows a list of all content that is
  84. assigned to that domain.
  85. If users have the appropriate access to edit content for that domain, the menu
  86. item will be available.
  87. ----
  88. 4. Content Editing
  89. The batch editing forms for Domain Content work identically to those for the
  90. default Drupal 'administer content' screen.
  91. ----
  92. 4.1 Affiliates
  93. On the batch editing form is an additional column labelled 'Affiliates.'
  94. This column shows the Domain Access rules for each node. Remember that content
  95. that is assigned to more than one domain can be edited by multiple users, so
  96. be careful when editing content that is published to multiple affiliates.
  97. ----
  98. 4.2 Domain Access Options
  99. You may use this form to batch update the Domain Access rules for your nodes.
  100. If you have the 'set domain access' permission, you will see the Domain Access
  101. Options form elements beneath the node list.
  102. If you select the operation "Change affiliate publishing options", any nodes that you
  103. select can be batch updated to the new settings you select.
  104. By default, the currently active domain will be chosen, as will the value set for
  105. promoting new nodes to all affiliates.
  106. WARNING: It is possible that you may move some nodes to domains other
  107. than the currently active domain. If so, some nodes will be removed from
  108. the form after you submit the update. This behavior is normal and desired.
  109. ----
  110. 4.3 Form Behavior
  111. In 6.x.2.5 and higher, you may select one of two options when updating domains.
  112. Under the 'Update behavior' form element, you may choose:
  113. [] Replace old values with new settings
  114. [] Add new settings to existing values
  115. [] Remove selected domains from existing values
  116. Choosing 'replace' will erase any current domain affiliation for the selected nodes
  117. and replace them with those entered into the form. Choosing 'add' will merge the
  118. new values with the existing values. Choosing 'remove' will remove the new values
  119. from the existing ones.
  120. This new feature is helpful when you want to alter domain settings, but do not
  121. want all nodes to be assigned to the same affiliates.
  122. ----
  123. 5. Developer Notes
  124. A companion module that handles this function for Comments is also needed.
  125. For support for Views Bulk Operations (which was released after this module)
  126. see the Domain Actions project: