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public function DomainConfigOverrider::loadOverrides in Domain Access 8

Returns config overrides.


array $names: A list of configuration names that are being loaded.

Return value

array An array keyed by configuration name of override data. Override data contains a nested array structure of overrides.

Overrides ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface::loadOverrides


domain_config/src/DomainConfigOverrider.php, line 86


Domain-specific config overrides.




public function loadOverrides($names) {

  // Assume first time loading is NULL.
  static $load = NULL;
  $config_override_exists = FALSE;
  if (is_null($load)) {

    // Ensure we don't have any values in settings.php.
    $config_from_settings = array_keys($GLOBALS['config']);
    foreach ($config_from_settings as $config_key) {
      if (strpos($config_key, 'domain.config', 0) !== FALSE) {
        $config_override_exists = TRUE;

  // Check if any overridden config exists or if we have already
  // made this check.
  // See
  if ($load === FALSE || !$this->storage
    ->listAll('domain.config.') && !$config_override_exists) {
    $load = FALSE;
    return [];
  else {

    // Try to prevent repeating lookups.
    static $lookups;

    // Key should be a known length, so hash.
    $key = md5(implode(':', $names));
    if (isset($lookups[$key])) {
      return $lookups[$key];

    // Set the context of the override request.
    if (empty($this->contextSet)) {

    // Prepare our overrides.
    $overrides = [];

    // loadOverrides() runs on config entities, which means that if we try
    // to run this routine on our own data, then we end up in an infinite loop.
    // So ensure that we are _not_ looking up a domain.record.*.
    $check = current($names);
    $list = explode('.', $check);
    if (isset($list[0]) && isset($list[1]) && $list[0] == 'domain' && $list[1] == 'record') {
      $lookups[$key] = $overrides;
      return $overrides;
    if (!empty($this->domain)) {
      foreach ($names as $name) {
        $config_name = $this
          ->getDomainConfigName($name, $this->domain);

        // Check to see if the config storage has an appropriately named file
        // containing override data.
        if ($override = $this->storage
          ->read($config_name['langcode'])) {
          $overrides[$name] = $override;
        elseif ($override = $this->storage
          ->read($config_name['domain'])) {
          $overrides[$name] = $override;

        // Apply any settings.php overrides.
        if (isset($GLOBALS['config'][$config_name['langcode']])) {
          $overrides[$name] = $GLOBALS['config'][$config_name['langcode']];
        elseif (isset($GLOBALS['config'][$config_name['domain']])) {
          $overrides[$name] = $GLOBALS['config'][$config_name['domain']];
      $lookups[$key] = $overrides;
    return $overrides;