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public function DomainAliasValidatorTest::testDomainAliasValidator in Domain Access 8

Tests that a domain hostname validates.


domain_alias/tests/src/Functional/DomainAliasValidatorTest.php, line 15


Tests domain alias record validation.




public function testDomainAliasValidator() {

  // No domains should exist.
  $validator = \Drupal::service('domain_alias.validator');

  // Create a domain.
    ->domainCreateTestDomains(1, '');

  // Check the created domain based on it's known id value.
  $key = '';

  /** @var \Drupal\domain\Entity\Domain $domain */
  $domain = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    ->assertNotEmpty($domain, 'Test domain created.');

  // Valid patterns to test. Valid is the boolean value.
  $patterns = [
    'localhost' => 1,
    '' => 1,
    // See www-prefix test, below.
    '' => 1,
    '*' => 1,
    '' => 1,
    '' => 1,
    // Must have a dot or be localhost.
    'foobar' => 0,
    // Only one wildcard.
    '*.*' => 0,
    // Only one colon.
    '' => 0,
    // No letters after a colon.
    '' => 0,
    // Cannot begin with a dot.
    '' => 0,
    // Cannot end with a dot.
    '' => 0,
    // Lowercase only.
    '' => 0,
    // ascii-only.
    'é' => 0,
    // duplicate.
    '' => 0,
  foreach ($patterns as $pattern => $valid) {
    $alias = $this
      ->domainAliasCreateTestAlias($domain, $pattern, 0, 'default', FALSE);
    $errors = $validator
    if ($valid) {
        ->assertEmpty($errors, 'Validation test success.');
    else {
        ->assertNotEmpty($errors, 'Validation test success.');

  // Test the configurable option.
  $config = $this
    ->set('allow_non_ascii', TRUE)

  // Valid hostnames to test. Valid is the boolean value.
  $patterns = [
    // ascii-only allowed.
    'é' => 1,
  foreach ($patterns as $pattern => $valid) {
    $alias = $this
      ->domainAliasCreateTestAlias($domain, $pattern, 0, 'default', FALSE);
    $errors = $validator
    if ($valid) {
        ->assertEmpty($errors, 'Validation test success.');
    else {
        ->assertNotEmpty($errors, 'Validation test success.');