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domain_alias.module in Domain Access 8

Maps multiple host requests to a single domain record.


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 * @file
 * Maps multiple host requests to a single domain record.
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
use Drupal\domain\DomainInterface;
use Drupal\domain\DomainNegotiatorInterface;

 * Implements hook_domain_request_alter().
 * The logic in this function gives us the following matches for a request to
 *   'foo.*'
 *   '*'
 *   'foo.*.com'
 *   'foo.example.*'
 *   '*'
 *   '*'
 * These patterns should be sufficient for most conditions.
function domain_alias_domain_request_alter(DomainInterface &$domain) {

  // During the installation the entity definition is not yet added when this
  // hook is invoked, so skip if not present.
  $has_definition = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

  // If an exact match has loaded, do nothing.
  if ($domain
    ->getMatchType() === DomainNegotiatorInterface::DOMAIN_MATCHED_EXACT || !$has_definition) {

  // If no exact match, then run the alias load routine.
  $hostname = $domain
  $alias_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  $domain_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

  /** @var \Drupal\domain_alias\Entity\DomainAlias $alias */
  if ($alias = $alias_storage
    ->loadByHostname($hostname)) {

    /** @var \Drupal\domain\Entity\Domain $domain */
    if ($domain = $domain_storage
      ->getDomainId())) {
        ->addProperty('alias', $alias);
      $redirect = $alias
      if (!empty($redirect)) {
    else {

      // If the domain did not load, report an error.
        ->error('Found matching alias %alias for host request %hostname, but failed to load matching domain with id %id.', [
        '%alias' => $alias
        '%hostname' => $hostname,
        '%id' => $alias

 * Implements hook_domain_operations().
function domain_alias_domain_operations(DomainInterface $domain, AccountInterface $account) {
  $operations = [];

  // Check permissions. The user must be a super-admin or assigned to the
  // domain.
  $is_domain_admin = $domain
    ->access('update', $account);
  if ($account
    ->hasPermission('administer domain aliases') || $is_domain_admin && $account
    ->hasPermission('view domain aliases')) {

    // Add aliases to the list of operations.
    $operations['domain_alias'] = [
      'title' => t('Aliases'),
      'url' => Url::fromRoute('domain_alias.admin', [
        'domain' => $domain
      'weight' => 60,
  return $operations;

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_load().
function domain_alias_domain_load($entities) {
  static $enabled;

  // We can only perform meaningful actions if is a cache context.
  // Otherwise, the render process ignores our changes.
  if (!isset($enabled)) {
    $required_cache_contexts = \Drupal::getContainer()
    if (!in_array('', $required_cache_contexts) && !in_array('url', $required_cache_contexts)) {
      $enabled = FALSE;
    $enabled = TRUE;

  // We cannot run before the negotiator service has fired.
  $negotiator = \Drupal::service('domain.negotiator');
  $active = $negotiator

  // Do nothing if no domain is active.
  if (empty($active)) {

  // Load and rewrite environment-specific aliases.
  $alias_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  if (isset($active->alias) && $active->alias
    ->getEnvironment() != 'default') {
    foreach ($entities as $id => $domain) {
      if ($environment_aliases = $alias_storage
        ->loadByEnvironmentMatch($domain, $active->alias
        ->getEnvironment())) {
        foreach ($environment_aliases as $environment_alias) {
          $pattern = $environment_alias

          // Add a canonical property.

          // Override the domain hostname and path. We always prefer a string
          // match.
          if (substr_count($pattern, '*') < 1) {
          else {

            // Do a wildcard replacement based on the current request.
            $request = $negotiator

            // First, check for a wildcard port.
            if (substr_count($pattern, ':*') > 0) {

              // Do not replace ports unless they are nonstandard. See
              // \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request\getHttpHost().
              if (substr_count($request, ':') > 0) {
                $search = explode(':', $pattern);
                $replace = explode(':', $request);
                if (!empty($search[1]) && !empty($replace[1])) {
                  $pattern = str_replace(':' . $search[1], ':' . $replace[1], $pattern);
              else {
                $pattern = str_replace(':*', '', $pattern);
            $replacements = [
              '.' => '\\.',
              '*' => '(.+?)',
            $regex = '/^' . strtr($active->alias
              ->getPattern(), $replacements) . '$/';
            if (preg_match($regex, $request, $matches) && isset($matches[1])) {
              $pattern = str_replace('*', $matches[1], $pattern);

            // Do not let the domain loop back on itself.
            if ($pattern != $domain
              ->getCanonical()) {

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete().
function domain_alias_domain_delete(EntityInterface $entity) {
  $alias_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  $properties = [
    'domain_id' => $entity
  foreach ($alias_storage
    ->loadByProperties($properties) as $alias) {