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public function DomainAccessElementTest::runInstalledTest in Domain Access 8

Basic test setup.

1 call to DomainAccessElementTest::runInstalledTest()
DomainAccessElementTest::testDomainAccessElement in domain_access/tests/src/Functional/DomainAccessElementTest.php
Test runner.


domain_access/tests/src/Functional/DomainAccessElementTest.php, line 50


Tests behavior for the domain access field element.




public function runInstalledTest($node_type) {
  $admin = $this
    'bypass node access',
    'administer content types',
    'administer node fields',
    'administer node display',
    'administer domains',
    'publish to any domain',
    ->drupalGet('node/add/' . $node_type);

  // Set the title, so the node can be saved.
    ->fillField('title[0][value]', 'Test node');

  // We expect to find 5 domain options. We set two as selected.
  $domains = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  $count = 0;
  $ids = [
  foreach ($domains as $domain) {
    $locator = DomainAccessManagerInterface::DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD . '[' . $domain
      ->id() . ']';
    if (in_array($domain
      ->id(), $ids)) {

  // Find the all affiliates field.
  $locator = DomainAccessManagerInterface::DOMAIN_ACCESS_ALL_FIELD . '[value]';

  // Set all affiliates to TRUE.

  // Save the form.

  // Get node data. Note that we create one new node for each test case.
  $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  $nid = $node_type == 'article' ? 1 : 2;
  $node = $storage

  // Check that two values are set.
  $manager = \Drupal::service('domain_access.manager');
  $values = $manager
    ->assert(count($values) == 3, 'Node saved with three domain records.');
  $value = $manager
    ->assert($value == 1, 'Node saved to all affiliates.');

  // Now login as a user with limited rights.
  $account = $this
    'create ' . $node_type . ' content',
    'edit any ' . $node_type . ' content',
    'publish to any assigned domain',
  $ids = [
    ->addDomainsToEntity('user', $account
    ->id(), $ids, DomainAccessManagerInterface::DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD);
  $user_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  $user = $user_storage
  $values = $manager
    ->assert(count($values) == 2, 'User saved with two domain records.');
  $value = $manager
    ->assert($value == 0, 'User not saved to all affiliates.');
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
    ->id() . '/edit');
  foreach ($domains as $domain) {
    $locator = DomainAccessManagerInterface::DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD . '[' . $domain
      ->id() . ']';
    if ($domain
      ->id() == 'example_com') {
    elseif ($domain
      ->id() == 'one_example_com') {
    else {
  $locator = DomainAccessManagerInterface::DOMAIN_ACCESS_ALL_FIELD . '[value]';

  // Save the form.

  // Now, check the node.
  $node = $storage

  // Check that two values are set.
  $values = $manager
    ->assert(count($values) == 2, 'Node saved with two domain records.');
  $value = $manager
    ->assert($value == 1, 'Node saved to all affiliates.');