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function domain_get_node_defaults in Domain Access 7.3

Returns default node access settings, ready for a node object.

Use domain_default_node_access_settings() when you need those settings in forms, or when you look for default access settings in general.

First level keys are

  • 'domain_site' (publish to all affiliates) with value TRUE or FALSE.
  • 'domain_id' contains the assigned affiliates, where both keys and values are the domain id.

Array of assigned domains can be empty, but only if an admin explicitly defined this. Use $fallback_domains to prevent zero assignments. See domain_default() as an example for a possible fallback domain.


$type: The type of the node (like 'article').

$fallback_domains (optional): An array of domains which are used if no default domain is assigned.

Return value

An array of default settings, formatted as explained above.

See also



3 calls to domain_get_node_defaults()
domain_form_alter in ./domain.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
domain_node_access_records in ./domain.module
Implements hook_node_access_records().
domain_node_load in ./domain.module
Implements hook_node_load().


./domain.module, line 4285
Core module functions for the Domain Access suite.


function domain_get_node_defaults($type, $fallback_domains = array()) {
  $_domain = domain_get_domain();
  $defaults = array(
    'domain_id' => array(),

  // We use array_flip for compatibility with node_type_form_submit().
  $settings = array_flip(domain_default_node_access_settings($type));
  $defaults['domain_site'] = isset($settings['DOMAIN_ALL']) ? TRUE : FALSE;

  // Assign the currently active domain, if not disabled by user.
  if (isset($settings['DOMAIN_ACTIVE'])) {
    $defaults['domain_id'][$_domain['domain_id']] = $_domain['domain_id'];

  // Assign the default affiliates.
  foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
    if ($key != 'DOMAIN_ACTIVE' && $key != 'DOMAIN_ALL') {
      if ($domain = domain_machine_name_load($key)) {
        $defaults['domain_id'][$domain['domain_id']] = $domain['domain_id'];

  // Use fallback domains when no default affiliate exists.
  if (empty($defaults['domain_id']) && !empty($fallback_domains)) {
    foreach ($fallback_domains as $domain) {
      $defaults['domain_id'][$domain['domain_id']] = $domain['domain_id'];
  return $defaults;