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9 calls to domain_goto() in Domain Access 5

domain_batch in ./
Allows for the batch update of certain elements.
domain_conf_page in domain_conf/domain_conf.module
The domain conf page callback router.
domain_content_view in domain_content/domain_content.module
Content administration for a specific domain. This callback puts the user on the current domain and then fetches the appropirate content for batch editing.
domain_edit in ./
Edit an existing domain record
domain_form_alter in ./domain.module
Implement hook_form_alter()
domain_prefix_configure_form in domain_prefix/domain_prefix.module
FormsAPI for generating the configuration form
domain_prefix_form in domain_prefix/domain_prefix.module
The table prefixing page for a domain.
domain_theme_page in domain_theme/domain_theme.module
The domain theme page callback router.
domain_user_init in domain_user/domain_user.module
Implement hook_init()