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function domain_batch_form in Domain Access 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 \domain_batch_form()
  2. 6.2 \domain_batch_form()
  3. 7.2 \domain_batch_form()

Generate the form data for a batch update.


$form_state: The current form state, passed by FormsAPI.

$action: The name of the action to perform; corresponds to the keys of the $batch array returned by hook_domain_batch().

$batch: The batch data for this $action, as defined by hook_domain_batch().

$domains: The current settings for each domain.

Return value

A themed table of links and descriptions for batch actions.

2 string references to 'domain_batch_form'
domain_batch in ./
Allows for the batch update of certain elements.
domain_warning_check in ./domain.module
Sets a message to the site admin.


./, line 799
Administration functions for the domain module.


function domain_batch_form($form, &$form_state, $action, $batch, $domains) {
  $default = array();
  $form = array();
  $form['message'] = array(
    '#markup' => theme('domain_batch_title', array(
      'batch' => $batch,

  // For some values, allow every record to be updated.
  if (!empty($batch['#update_all'])) {
    $form['domain_batch_all'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Update value for all domains'),
      '#weight' => -10,
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
      '#description' => t('By entering a value below and checking the <strong>Apply to all domains</strong> option, you can set the desired value for all domains.'),
    $form['domain_batch_all']['batch_all_setting'] = $batch['#form'];
    $form['domain_batch_all']['batch_all_setting']['#required'] = FALSE;
    $form['domain_batch_all']['batch_all_setting']['#default_value'] = isset($batch['#system_default']) ? $batch['#system_default'] : NULL;
    $form['domain_batch_all']['batch_override'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Apply to all domains'),
    $form['domain_batch_all']['submit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => t('Update all domain settings'),
  $form['domain_batch'] = array(
    '#tree' => TRUE,
    '#title' => $batch['#form']['#title'],
    '#description' => $batch['#meta_description'],
  if ($batch['#domain_action'] == 'domain_conf' && $batch['#form']['#type'] == 'select') {
    $batch['#form']['#options'] = array(
      'domain-conf-ignore' => t('Use primary domain settings'),
    ) + $batch['#form']['#options'];
  foreach ($domains as $domain) {

    // Set the current value according to the stored values.
    if (isset($domain[$action])) {
      $default[$domain['domain_id']] = $domain[$action];
    if ($batch['#domain_action'] == 'domain_conf') {

      // Set the default value to the main settings.
      // In rare cases, variable_get() returns unusable data, so we override it.
      if (empty($batch['#override_default'])) {
        $default[$domain['domain_id']] = variable_get($action, $batch['#system_default']);
      else {
        $default[$domain['domain_id']] = $batch['#system_default'];

      // Check for domain-specific settings.
      $settings = domain_conf_data_get($domain['domain_id']);
      if (isset($settings[$action])) {
        $default[$domain['domain_id']] = $settings[$action];
    elseif ($batch['#domain_action'] == 'custom' && isset($batch['#lookup'])) {
      $default[$domain['domain_id']] = isset($batch['#system_default']) ? $batch['#system_default'] : NULL;
      $func = $batch['#lookup'];
      $setting = $func($domain);
      if ($setting != -1) {
        $default[$domain['domain_id']] = $setting;

    // Take the settings from the $batch array.
    $form['domain_batch'][$domain['domain_id']] = $batch['#form'];

    // Add the domain-specific elements.
    $form['domain_batch'][$domain['domain_id']]['#sitename'] = check_plain($domain['sitename']);
    $form['domain_batch'][$domain['domain_id']]['#subdomain'] = check_plain($domain['subdomain']);
    if (isset($default[$domain['domain_id']])) {
      if (is_array($default[$domain['domain_id']])) {
        foreach ($default[$domain['domain_id']] as $fieldname => $value) {
          $form['domain_batch'][$domain['domain_id']][$fieldname]['#default_value'] = $value;
      else {
        $form['domain_batch'][$domain['domain_id']]['#default_value'] = $default[$domain['domain_id']];
  $api_keys = array(

  // These are optional elements, only passed if present.
  foreach ($api_keys as $key) {
    if (isset($batch['#' . $key])) {
      $form[$key] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $batch['#' . $key],

  // Custom submit and validate handlers.
  foreach (array(
  ) as $key) {
    if (isset($batch['#' . $key])) {
      $form[$key . '_handler'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $batch['#' . $key],
  $form['handler'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $batch['#domain_action'],
  $form['batch_item'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $action,
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Update domain settings'),
  return $form;