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public function DomainListWeightTest::testDomainWeight in Domain Access 8

Basic test setup.


domain/tests/src/Functional/DomainListWeightTest.php, line 32


Tests behavior for the weight element of the domain list builder.




public function testDomainWeight() {

  // Test the default sort values. Should be 1 to 60.
  $domains = $this
  $i = 1;
  foreach ($domains as $domain) {
      ->getWeight() == $i, 'Weight set to ' . $i);

  // The last domain should be test59_example_com.
    ->id() == 'test59_example_com', 'Last domain is test59');
  $domains_old = $domains;
  $admin = $this
    'bypass node access',
    'administer content types',
    'administer node fields',
    'administer node display',
    'administer domains',

  // Set one weight to 61.
  $locator = 'edit-domains-one-example-com-weight';
    ->fillField($locator, 61);

  // Save the form.
  $domains = $this
  $i = 1;
  foreach ($domains as $domain) {

    // Weights should be the same one page 1 except for the one we changed.
    if ($domain
      ->id() == 'one_example_com') {
        ->getWeight() == 61, 'Weight set to 61 ' . $domain
    else {
        ->getWeight() == $domains_old[$domain
        ->getWeight(), 'Weights unchanged');

  // The last domain should be one_example_com.
    ->id() == 'one_example_com', 'Last domain is one');

  // Go to page two.

  // Set one weight to 2.
  $locator = 'edit-domains-one-example-com-weight';
    ->fillField($locator, 2);

  // Save the form.

  // Go to page two.

  // Check the domain sort order.
  $domains = $this
  $i = 1;
  foreach ($domains as $domain) {
    if ($domain
      ->id() == 'one_example_com') {
        ->getWeight() == 2, 'Weight set to 2');
    else {
        ->getWeight() == $domains_old[$domain
        ->getWeight(), 'Weights unchanged');

  // The last domain should be test59_example_com.
    ->id() == 'test59_example_com', 'Last domain is test59' . $domain