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public function DomainEntityAccessTest::testDomainCreate in Domain Access 8

Tests initial domain creation.


domain/tests/src/Functional/DomainEntityAccessTest.php, line 17


Tests access to domain entities.




public function testDomainCreate() {
  $admin = $this
    'access administration pages',
    'administer domains',
  $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

  // No domains should exist.

  // Visit the main domain administration page.

  // Check for the add message.
    ->assertText('There are no domain record entities yet.', 'Text for no domains found.');

  // Visit the add domain administration page.

  // Make a POST request on admin/config/domain/add.
  $edit = $this

  // Use hostname with dot (.) to avoid validation error.
  $edit['hostname'] = '';
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');

  // Did it save correctly?
  $default_id = $storage
    ->assertNotEmpty($default_id, 'Domain record saved via form.');

  // Does it load correctly?
  $new_domain = $storage
    ->id() == $default_id, 'Domain loaded properly.');
  $editor = $this
    'access administration pages',
    'create domains',
    'view domain list',

  // Visit the add domain add page.

  // Make a POST request on admin/config/domain/add.
  $edit = $this

  // Use hostname with dot (.) to avoid validation error.
  $edit['hostname'] = '';
  $edit['id'] = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');

  // Does it load correctly?
  $new_domain = $storage
    ->id() == $edit['id'], 'Domain loaded properly.');
  $noneditor = $this
    'access administration pages',

  // Visit the add domain administration page.