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function display_cache_get_comment_publication_clears_host_entity_cache_settings in Display Cache 7

Collects the comment publication host entity cache clearing settings.


string $entity_type: This is almost all the type 'node'. It is just here for completeness.

string $bundle: The bundle to check.

string $view_mode: If given, the settings obtained will be searched for this specific view mode.

Return value

mixed(array|bool) Returns a setting array or a bool if $view_mode has been given.

3 calls to display_cache_get_comment_publication_clears_host_entity_cache_settings()
display_cache_clear_comment_host_entity_cache in ./display_cache.module
Clears the given comments' host entity if needed.
display_cache_field_ui_form in ./
Display cache settings form.
display_cache_view_mode_settings_form_submit in ./
Custom submit handler for display cache settings form.


./display_cache.module, line 263
Module file for Display Cache.


function display_cache_get_comment_publication_clears_host_entity_cache_settings($entity_type, $bundle, $view_mode = NULL) {
  $variable_name = display_cache_get_comment_publication_clears_host_entity_cache_setting_name($entity_type, $bundle);
  $result = variable_get($variable_name, array());
  if (!is_null($view_mode)) {
    $result = isset($result[$view_mode]) ? $result[$view_mode] : FALSE;
  return $result;