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function disable_language_language_switch_links_alter in Disable language 8

Implements hook_language_switch_links_alter().

We need to filter out the disabled languages from the language selection list.


./disable_language.module, line 102
Contains disable_language.module.


function disable_language_language_switch_links_alter(array &$links, $type, $path) {
  $user = Drupal::currentUser();

  // Only filter the links if the current user doesn't
  // have permission to view disabled language.
  if (!$user
    ->hasPermission('view disabled languages')) {
    foreach ($links as $langcode => $link) {

      // When te language isn't available in the link object we need to load it
      // using the entity storage.
      if (empty($link['language']) || !$link['language'] instanceof LanguageInterface) {
        $language = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      else {
        $language = $link['language'];

      // If the third party settings exists and the disable
      // value is true then remove the item from the links list.
      $disabled = $language
        ->getThirdPartySetting('disable_language', 'disable');
      if (isset($disabled) && $disabled == 1) {