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function _disable_breadcrumbs_get_all_checked_nodes in Disable breadcrumbs 7

Gets all nodes that have disable_breadcrumb checked.


$header: -optional, header array variable for table.

Return value

db select result - needs to be iterated through.

1 call to _disable_breadcrumbs_get_all_checked_nodes()
theme_disable_breadcrumbs_checked_nodes in ./
Produce sortable table of currently checked nodes


./, line 179
Admin settings page and checked nodes summary table.


function _disable_breadcrumbs_get_all_checked_nodes($header = array()) {
  $query = db_select('node', 'n')
    ->fields('n', array(
    ->innerJoin('disable_breadcrumbs', 'db', 'n.nid = db.nid');
  return $query