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Functions in Diff 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
content_diff ./ Implementation of hook_diff()
diff_diffs_overview ./diff.module Generate an overview table of older revisions of a node and provide an input form to select two revisions for a comparison. 1
diff_diffs_show ./diff.module Create output string for a comparison of 'node' between versions 'old_vid' and 'new_vid'. 1
diff_form_alter ./diff.module Implementation of hook_form_alter(). Used to add a 'Preview changes' button on the node edit form.
diff_help ./diff.module Implementation of hook_help().
diff_menu ./diff.module Implementation of hook_menu() The menu path 'node/$nid/revisions' is overriden with 'diff_diffs'.
diff_menu_alter ./diff.module Implementation of hook_menu_alter().
diff_node_form_build_preview_changes ./diff.module Callback if 'Preview changes' is pressed. 1
diff_node_revisions ./diff.module Input form to select two revisions. 1
diff_node_revisions_submit ./diff.module Submit code for input form to select two revisions.
diff_node_revisions_validate ./diff.module Validation for input form to select two revisions.
diff_theme ./diff.module Implementation of hook_theme().
node_diff ./ Implementation of hook_diff() for node.module (body and title).
taxonomy_diff ./ Implementation of hook_diff() for taxonomy.
theme_diff_content_line ./diff.module Theme function for a content line in the diff.
theme_diff_empty_line ./diff.module Theme function for an empty line in the diff.
theme_diff_header_line ./diff.module Theme function for a header line in the diff.
theme_diff_node_form ./diff.module A copy of the 'theme_node_form' function with the addition of the new button to show a diff of the changes.
theme_diff_node_revisions ./diff.module Theme function to display the revisions formular with means to select two revisions.
theme_diff_table ./diff.module Return a themed table. This is a modified version of theme_table, adding colgroup tag and col tag options.
upload_diff ./ Implementation of hook_diff() for file attachments.
_cck_link_diff_values ./ 1
_cck_nodereference_diff_values ./ 1
_cck_text_diff_values ./ 1
_cck_userreference_diff_values ./ 1
_diff_body_rows ./diff.module Creates an array of rows which represent a diff between $old_node and $new_node. The rows can be used via theme('diff_table') to be displayed. 2
_diff_default_cols ./diff.module Helper function to create default 'cols' array for diff table. 2
_diff_default_header ./diff.module Helper function to create default 'header' array for diff table. 2
_diff_get_next_vid ./diff.module Get the entry in the revisions list after $vid. Returns false if $vid is the last entry. 1
_diff_get_previous_vid ./diff.module Get the entry in the revision list before $vid. Returns false if $vid is the first entry. 1

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