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function diff_get_rows in Diff 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 diff.module \diff_get_rows()
  2. 7.3 diff.module \diff_get_rows()

Render a diff of two strings to a $rows array suitable for use with theme('table') or theme('diff_table').


string $a: The source string to compare from.

string $b: The target string to compare to.

boolean $show_header: Display diff context headers, e.g. "Line x".

Return value

Array of rows usable with theme('table').

1 call to diff_get_rows()
_diff_body_rows in ./
Creates an array of rows which represent a diff between $old_node and $new_node. The rows can be used via theme('diff_table') to be displayed.


./diff.module, line 284
Provides functionality to show a diff between two node revisions.


function diff_get_rows($a, $b, $show_header = FALSE) {
  $a = is_array($a) ? $a : explode("\n", $a);
  $b = is_array($b) ? $b : explode("\n", $b);
  module_load_include('php', 'diff', 'DiffEngine');
  $formatter = new DrupalDiffFormatter();
  $formatter->show_header = $show_header;
  $diff = new Diff($a, $b);
  return $formatter