function diff_entity_fields_diff in Diff 7.3
Internal callback to handle fieldable entities.
Field comparison is handled for core modules, but is expandable to any other fields if the module defines MODULE_field_diff_view().
object $old_entity: The older entity entity revision.
object $new_entity: The newer entity entity revision.
array $context: An associative array containing:
- entity_type: The entity type; e.g., 'node' or 'user'.
- old_entity: The older entity.
- new_entity: The newer entity.
- view_mode: The view mode to use. Defaults to FALSE.
string $default_langcode: (optional) Language code to force comparison in.
Return value
array An associative array of values keyed by the field name and delta value.
1 call to diff_entity_fields_diff()
- diff_entity_diff in ./ - Implements hook_entity_diff().
- ./, line 50 - Includes the hooks defined by diff_hook_info().
function diff_entity_fields_diff($old_entity, $new_entity, $context, $default_langcode = NULL) {
$result = array();
$entity_type = $context['entity_type'];
$view_mode = $context['view_mode'];
$field_context = $context;
$actual_mode = FALSE;
list(, , $bundle_name) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $new_entity);
$instances = field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle_name);
// Some fields piggy back the display settings, so we need to fake these by
// ensuring that the field mode is always set.
if (empty($view_mode)) {
$actual_mode = 'diff_standard';
$field_context['custom_settings'] = FALSE;
$view_mode_settings = field_view_mode_settings($entity_type, $bundle_name);
$actual_mode = !empty($view_mode_settings[$view_mode]['custom_settings']) ? $view_mode : 'default';
if (!isset($field_context['custom_settings'])) {
$field_context['custom_settings'] = $actual_mode && $actual_mode == $view_mode;
$field_context['old_entity'] = $old_entity;
$field_context['new_entity'] = $new_entity;
$field_context['bundle_name'] = $bundle_name;
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
// Any view mode is supported in relation to hiding fields, but only if
// selected (todo see if this is a valid option).
if ($actual_mode && $instance['display'][$actual_mode]['type'] == 'hidden') {
$field_name = $instance['field_name'];
$field = field_info_field($field_name);
$field_context['field'] = $field;
$field_context['instance'] = $instance;
$field_context['display'] = $instance['display'][$actual_mode];
// We provide a loose check on the field access.
if (field_access('view', $field, $entity_type) || field_access('edit', $field, $entity_type)) {
$langcode = $default_langcode ? $default_langcode : field_language($entity_type, $new_entity, $field_name);
$field_context['language'] = $langcode;
$field_context['field'] = $field;
$field_context['instance'] = $instance;
$old_items = array();
if (!empty($old_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode])) {
$old_items = $old_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode];
$new_items = array();
if (!empty($new_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode])) {
$new_items = $new_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode];
// Load files containing the field callbacks.
$field_context['settings'] = diff_get_field_settings($field_context);
// Reference fields can optionally prepare objects in bulk to reduce
// overheads related to multiple database calls. If a field considers
// that the delta values is meaningless, they can order and rearrange
// to provide cleaner results.
$func = $field['module'] . '_field_diff_view_prepare';
if (function_exists($func)) {
$func($old_items, $new_items, $field_context);
// Allow other modules to act safely on behalf of the core field module.
drupal_alter('field_diff_view_prepare', $old_items, $new_items, $field_context);
// These functions compiles the items into comparable arrays of strings.
$func = $field['module'] . '_field_diff_view';
if (!function_exists($func)) {
$func = 'diff_field_diff_view';
// Copy the static ID cache to ensure this is the same for each comparison.
$original_html_ids = drupal_static('drupal_html_id');
$html_ids =& drupal_static('drupal_html_id');
// These callbacks should be independent of revision.
$old_context = $field_context;
$old_context['entity'] = $old_entity;
$old_values = $func($old_items, $old_context);
// Restores the ID cache to the original.
$html_ids = $original_html_ids;
$new_context = $field_context;
$new_context['entity'] = $new_entity;
$new_values = $func($new_items, $new_context);
// Allow other modules to act safely on behalf of the core field module.
drupal_alter('field_diff_view', $old_values, $old_items, $old_context);
drupal_alter('field_diff_view', $new_values, $new_items, $new_context);
$max = max(array(
if ($max) {
$result[$field_name] = array(
'#name' => $instance['label'],
'#old' => array(),
'#new' => array(),
'#settings' => $field_context['settings'],
for ($delta = 0; $delta < $max; $delta++) {
if (isset($old_values[$delta])) {
$result[$field_name]['#old'][] = is_array($old_values[$delta]) ? implode("\n", $old_values[$delta]) : $old_values[$delta];
if (isset($new_values[$delta])) {
$result[$field_name]['#new'][] = is_array($new_values[$delta]) ? implode("\n", $new_values[$delta]) : $new_values[$delta];
$result[$field_name]['#old'] = implode("\n", $result[$field_name]['#old']);
$result[$field_name]['#new'] = implode("\n", $result[$field_name]['#new']);
if ($actual_mode) {
$result[$field_name]['#weight'] = $instance['display'][$actual_mode]['weight'];
return $result;