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function dialog_command_close_modal_dialog in Dialog 7.2

Creates a Drupal Ajax 'close modal dialog' command.


bool $persist: (optional) Whether to persist the dialog in the DOM or not.

Return value

array An array suitable for use with the ajax_render() function.

3 calls to dialog_command_close_modal_dialog()
dialog_user_user_login_submit in modules/dialog_user/dialog_user.module
Ajax callback for the user login form.
dialog_user_user_pass_submit in modules/dialog_user/dialog_user.module
Ajax callback for the user password reset form.
dialog_user_user_register_form_submit in modules/dialog_user/dialog_user.module
Ajax callback for the user register form.


includes/, line 36
AJAX commands.


function dialog_command_close_modal_dialog($persist = FALSE) {
  return dialog_command_close_dialog('#drupal-modal', $persist);