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dfp.test in Doubleclick for Publishers (DFP) 7.2

Test file for DFP module.


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 * @file
 * Test file for DFP module.
class dfpBaseTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Implementation of setUp().
  function setUp() {

    // Enable a couple modules.
    parent::setUp('ctools', 'dfp', 'taxonomy', 'entity_modified');

    // Create an admin user with all the permissions needed to run tests.
    $this->admin_user = $this
      'administer DFP',
      'administer taxonomy',
      'access administration pages',
      'administer blocks',
      'bypass node access',
      'administer nodes',
      'edit terms in 1',

    // Add the some global settings needed for dfp ads to work.
    variable_set('dfp_network_id', '12345');
    variable_set('dfp_default_slug', $this

   * Create a simple $edit array to be used on the DFP tag form to create a new
   * DFP tag object.
  function dfpBasicTagEditValues() {
    $machinename = drupal_strtolower($this
    $basic_tag = array(
      'machinename' => $machinename,
      'slot' => $machinename,
      'size' => implode(',', $this
      'adunit' => $this
      'block' => 1,
      'settings[slug]' => $this
      'settings[adsense_ad_types]' => '',
      'settings[adsense_channel_ids]' => '',
      'settings[adsense_colors][background]' => '',
      'settings[adsense_colors][border]' => '',
      'settings[adsense_colors][link]' => '',
      'settings[adsense_colors][text]' => '',
      'settings[adsense_colors][url]' => '',
      'targeting[0][target]' => $this
      'targeting[0][value]' => $this
      'breakpoints[0][browser_size]' => $this
      'breakpoints[0][ad_sizes]' => implode(',', $this
    return $basic_tag;

   * Generate a random size (or array or sizes) to use when testing tags
   * formatted as ###x###.
  function dfpGenerateSize($count = 1) {
    $sizes = array(
    return $count == 1 ? array_pop($sizes) : array_slice($sizes, 0, min($count, count($sizes)));

   * Creates a basic dfp ad tag.
  function createTag($edit = array()) {

    // Create a new tag.
    $edit += $this
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/dfp_ads/add', $edit, t('Save'));

    // Load the tag object.
    $tag = dfp_tag_load($edit['machinename']);
      ->assertTrue(is_object($tag) && ($tag->machinename = $edit['machinename']), 'The new tag was saved correctly.');

    // Display the new tag.
    $edit = array();
    $delta = 'dfp_' . (drupal_strlen($tag->machinename) >= 32 ? md5($tag->machinename) : $tag->machinename);
    $edit['blocks[' . $delta . '][region]'] = 'sidebar_first';
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));
    return $tag;

   * Edit a given tag specified by $machinename with the given values.
  function editTag($machinename, &$edit) {

    // Make sure there is no machinename set when we are editing.
    if (isset($edit['machinename'])) {
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/dfp_ads/list/' . $machinename . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
    $tag = dfp_tag_load($machinename);
    return $tag;

   * Create a taxonomy term.
  function createTerm($vocabulary) {
    $term = new stdClass();
    $term->name = $this
    $term->description = $this

    // Use the first available text format.
    $term->format = db_query_range('SELECT format FROM {filter_format}', 0, 1)
    $term->vid = $vocabulary->vid;
    return $term;

   * Assert that a property is properly being set.
  function assertPropertySet($property, $key, $val) {
    $pattern = '|' . '.set' . $property . '\\("' . $key . '",{1}\\s(.)*' . addslashes($val) . '|';
      ->assertPattern($pattern, 'A ' . $property . ' property was set for ' . $key . ' = ' . $val);

   * Assert that a property is not being set.
  function assertPropertyNotSet($property, $key, $val) {
    $pattern = '|' . '.set' . $property . '\\("' . $key . '",{1}\\s(.)*' . addslashes($val) . '|';
      ->assertNoPattern($pattern, 'A ' . $property . ' property was not set for ' . $key . ' = ' . $val);

class dfpDisplayTagTest extends dfpBaseTest {

   * Implements getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Displaying DFP Tags'),
      'description' => t('Tests for displaying DFP tags.'),
      'group' => t('DFP'),
  function testDisplayTag() {

    // Create a simple tag as a block.
    $tag = $this
      ->assertRaw('googletag.defineSlot("' . variable_get('dfp_network_id', '') . '/' . $tag->adunit . '", ' . dfp_format_size($tag->size) . ', "' . $tag->placeholder_id . '")', 'The ad slot has been correctly defined in javascript.');

    // Create a tag with a machine name longer than 32 characters.
    $edit = array(
      'machinename' => drupal_strtolower($this
    $tag = $this
      ->assertRaw('googletag.defineSlot("' . variable_get('dfp_network_id', '') . '/' . $tag->adunit . '", ' . dfp_format_size($tag->size) . ', "' . $tag->placeholder_id . '")', 'The ad slot with a very long machine name has been correctly defined in javascript.');

    // Ensure the DPF click url is safe.
    variable_set('dfp_click_url', 'javascript://');
    $pattern = '|.setClickUrl\\("http(.*):\\/\\/(.*)javascript%3A\\/\\/"\\)|';
      ->assertPattern($pattern, 'Click URL is filtered for bad protocols and absolute.');
    variable_set('dfp_click_url', '');
      ->assertRaw('.setClickUrl("")', 'Valid external Click URL is not mangled.');
  function testDisplayTagWithMapping() {
    $edit = $this

    // Create a simple tag with a mapping. Verify javascript on page.
    $tag = $this
    $mapping_sizes = explode(',', $edit['breakpoints[0][ad_sizes]']);
    $size_count = count($mapping_sizes);

    // Calculate addSize mappings.
    $mapping_tag = '.addSize(';
    $mapping_tag .= '[' . str_replace('x', ', ', $edit['breakpoints[0][browser_size]']) . '], ';
    $mapping_tag .= $size_count > 1 ? '[' : '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $size_count; $i++) {
      $mapping_sizes[$i] = '[' . str_replace('x', ', ', $mapping_sizes[$i]) . ']';
      $mapping_tag .= $i + 1 !== $size_count ? $mapping_sizes[$i] . ', ' : $mapping_sizes[$i];
    $mapping_tag .= $size_count > 1 ? '])' : ')';
      ->assertRaw('googletag.sizeMapping()', 'The ad slot correctly attaches size mapping.');
      ->assertRaw('.defineSizeMapping(mapping)', 'The ad slot correctly defines size mapping.');
      ->assertRaw($mapping_tag, 'The ad slot correctly defines specific size mappings.');

    // Create a tag with invalid browser size mappings.
    $edit['breakpoints[0][browser_size]'] = $this
      ->editTag($tag->machinename, $edit);
      ->assertText(t('The browser size can only contain numbers and the character x.'), 'An error was correctly thrown when invalid characters.');

    // Create a tag with invalid ad size mappings.
    $edit['breakpoints[0][browser_size]'] = $this
    $edit['breakpoints[0][ad_sizes]'] = $this
      ->editTag($tag->machinename, $edit);
      ->assertText(t('The ad size(s) can only contain numbers, the character x and commas.'), 'An error was correctly thrown when invalid characters.');
  function testSlug() {
    $edit = $this

    // Create a tag without a slug, display it and ensure the default slug is
    // displayed.
    variable_set('dfp_default_slug', '<p>Global slug</p>');
    $edit['settings[slug]'] = '';
    $tag = $this
      ->assertRaw('<div class="slug">' . check_plain(variable_get('dfp_default_slug', '')) . '</div>', 'The default slug is correctly used when no slug exists for an individual tag.');

    // Change the slug to <none> and ensure that no slug is displayed.
    $edit['settings[slug]'] = '<none>';
      ->editTag($tag->machinename, $edit);
      ->assertNoRaw('<div class="slug">', t('No slug is appearing when "@none" is used.', array(
      '@none' => '<none>',

    // Specify a slug and check that it shows instead of the default slug.
    $slug = '<p>Custom slug</p>';
    $edit['settings[slug]'] = $slug;
      ->editTag($tag->machinename, $edit);
      ->assertRaw('<div class="slug">' . check_plain($slug) . '</div>', 'The provided slug is correctly displayed with its tag.');
  function testTargeting() {
    $edit = $this

    // Create a tag with a target with only one value.
    $tag = $this
      ->assertPropertySet('Targeting', $edit['targeting[0][target]'], $edit['targeting[0][value]']);

    // Create a tag with a target with multiple values.
    $values = array(
    $edit['targeting[0][target]'] = $this
    $edit['targeting[0][value]'] = implode(', ', $values);
      ->editTag($tag->machinename, $edit);
      ->assertPropertySet('Targeting', $edit['targeting[0][target]'], implode('","', $values));

    // Create a tag with a target but no value.
    $edit['targeting[0][target]'] = $this
    $edit['targeting[0][value]'] = '';
      ->editTag($tag->machinename, $edit);
      ->assertText(t('The value cannot be empty if a target exists.'), 'An error was correctly thrown when a target has no value.');

    // Create a tag with an empty target, but a value.
    $edit['targeting[0][target]'] = '';
    $edit['targeting[0][value]'] = $this
      ->editTag($tag->machinename, $edit);
      ->assertText(t('The target cannot be empty if a value exists.'), 'An error was correctly thrown when a target is blank, but a value has been entered.');

    // Create a tag with multiple targets.
    $count = 3;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
      $edit['targeting[' . $i . '][target]'] = $this
      $edit['targeting[' . $i . '][value]'] = $this
        ->drupalPost('admin/structure/dfp_ads/list/' . $tag->machinename . '/edit', $edit, t('Add another target'));
        ->editTag($tag->machinename, $edit);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
        ->assertPropertySet('Targeting', $edit['targeting[' . $i . '][target]'], $edit['targeting[' . $i . '][value]']);

    // Make sure that empty values are ignored.
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/dfp_ads/list/' . $tag->machinename . '/edit', $edit, t('Add another target'));
      ->editTag($tag->machinename, $edit);
      ->assertPropertyNotSet('Targeting', '', '');

    // Test that target can be removed.
    $edit['targeting[0][target]'] = '';
    $edit['targeting[0][value]'] = '';
      ->editTag($tag->machinename, $edit);
      ->assertPropertyNotSet('Targeting', '', '');
  function testBackfill() {
    $edit = $this

    // Create a tag with backfill settings.
    $colors = array(
    $types = array(
    $edit['settings[adsense_ad_types]'] = array_pop($types);
    $edit['settings[adsense_channel_ids]'] = $this
    foreach ($colors as $color) {
      $edit['settings[adsense_colors][' . $color . ']'] = drupal_strtoupper($this
    $tag = $this
      ->assertPropertySet('', 'adsense_ad_types', $edit['settings[adsense_ad_types]']);
      ->assertPropertySet('', 'adsense_channel_ids', $edit['settings[adsense_channel_ids]']);
    foreach ($colors as $color) {
        ->assertPropertySet('', 'adsense_' . $color . '_color', $edit['settings[adsense_colors][' . $color . ']']);

class dfpAdCategoriesTest extends dfpBaseTest {

   * Implements getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('DFP Ad Categories'),
      'description' => t('Tests the functionaility of DFP ad categories.'),
      'group' => t('DFP'),
  function testEnableDisableAdCategories() {

    // Check that enabling DFP Ad Categories for the "tags" vocabulary works.
    $edit = array(
      'dfp_enable_ad_categories' => 1,
      'dfp_enable_ad_categories_bundles[tags]' => 'tags',
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/dfp_ads/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // Check that disabling DFP Ad Categories vocabulary works even when a
    // bundle is selected.
    $edit = array(
      'dfp_enable_ad_categories' => 0,
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/dfp_ads/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // Check that disabling DFP Ad Categories on a specific vocabulary works.
    // For this test to be valid, we first need to reenable DFP Ad Categories.
    $edit = array(
      'dfp_enable_ad_categories' => 1,
      'dfp_enable_ad_categories_bundles[tags]' => 'tags',
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/dfp_ads/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
    $edit = array(
      'dfp_enable_ad_categories_bundles[tags]' => 0,
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/dfp_ads/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

  // Test that DFP Catetories are displayed properly.
  function testDisplayAdCategories() {
    $dfp_add_categories_vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('dfp_ad_categories');
    $tags_vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('tags');

    // Turn on DFP ad categories for the "tags" vocabulary.
    $edit = array(
      'dfp_enable_ad_categories' => 1,
      'dfp_enable_ad_categories_bundles[tags]' => 'tags',
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/dfp_ads/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // Create a new DFP Ad Category term.
    $dfp_category = $this
    $control_tag = $this
    $test_tag = $this

    // Create a new "Article" node with these two tags.
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_tags[und]' => $control_tag->name . ', ' . $test_tag->name,
      ->drupalPost('node/add/article', $edit, t('Save'));

    // Edit one the new tags and tag it with a DFP Ad Category.
    $edit = array(
      'field_dfp_ad_categories[und]' => $dfp_category->tid,
      ->drupalPost('taxonomy/term/' . $test_tag->tid . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));

    // Create a DFP ad slot that targets the [dfp_tag:ad_categories] token.
    $edit = $this

    // Create a tag that uses the slot token in a target.
    $edit['slot'] = $this
    $edit['targeting[0][target]'] = 'categories';
    $edit['targeting[0][value]'] = '[dfp_tag:ad_categories]';
    $tag = $this

    // Check that when we are on the node page, that the DFP Ad Category is used
    // and that the control tag is also displayed.
      ->assertPropertySet('Targeting', 'categories', $control_tag->name);
      ->assertPropertySet('Targeting', 'categories', $dfp_category->name);

    // Check that when we are on the term page for one of DFP Ad Categories that
    // it is correctly included.
      ->drupalGet('taxonomy/term/' . $dfp_category->tid);
      ->assertPropertySet('Targeting', 'categories', $dfp_category->name);

    // Check that when we are on a term page for a term with a coresponding
    // DFP Ad Categories the DFP Ad Category is included.
      ->drupalGet('taxonomy/term/' . $test_tag->tid);
      ->assertPropertySet('Targeting', 'categories', $dfp_category->name);

class dfpTokensTest extends dfpBaseTest {

   * Implements getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('DFP Tokens'),
      'description' => t('Tests for custom tokens created by the DFP module.'),
      'group' => t('DFP'),
  function testSlotToken() {
    $edit = $this

    // Create a tag that uses the slot token in a target.
    $test_slot = $this
    $edit['slot'] = $test_slot;
    $edit['targeting[0][target]'] = 'slot';
    $edit['targeting[0][value]'] = '[dfp_tag:slot]';
    $tag = $this
      ->assertPropertySet('Targeting', 'slot', $test_slot);
  function testNetworkIDToken() {
    $edit = $this

    // Create a tag that uses the networkid token in a target.
    $test_network_id = $this
    variable_set('dfp_network_id', $test_network_id);
    $edit['targeting[0][target]'] = 'network id';
    $edit['targeting[0][value]'] = '[dfp_tag:network_id]';
    $tag = $this
      ->assertPropertySet('Targeting', 'network id', $test_network_id);
  function testUrlPartsToken() {

    // Create a tag that uses the url parts token in a target.
    $tag = $this
    $url = 'admin/structure/dfp_ads';
    $url_parts = explode('/', $url);
    $max_parts_to_test = 3;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_parts_to_test; $i++) {
      $edit['targeting[0][target]'] = 'url parts';
      $edit['targeting[0][value]'] = '[dfp_tag:url_parts:' . $i . ']';
        ->editTag($tag->machinename, $edit);
      $replacement = implode('/', array_slice($url_parts, 0, $i));
        ->assertPropertySet('Targeting', 'url parts', $replacement);

class dfpGlobalsTest extends dfpBaseTest {

   * Implements getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Gloabl DFP Tag Settings'),
      'description' => t('Tests for the settings defined in admin/structure/dfp_ads/settings.'),
      'group' => t('DFP'),
  function testGlobalSettingsOn() {
    $injected_js = $this
    $target = array(
      'target' => $this
      'value' => $this
    variable_set('dfp_async_rendering', '1');
    variable_set('dfp_single_request', '1');
    variable_set('dfp_collapse_empty_divs', '1');
    variable_set('dfp_injected_js', $injected_js);
    variable_set('dfp_targeting', array(
      ->assertRaw('googletag.pubads().enableAsyncRendering();', 'Asyncronous rendering is turned on.');
      ->assertRaw('googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest();', 'Single request is turned on.');
      ->assertRaw('googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs();', 'Collapse empty divs is turned on.');
      ->assertRaw($injected_js, 'Injected javascript correctly appears on the page.');
      ->assertRaw('googletag.pubads().setTargeting("' . $target['target'] . '", "' . $target['value'] . '");', 'Global targetting values appear correclty in javascript.');
  function testGlobalSettingsOff() {
    variable_set('dfp_async_rendering', '0');
    variable_set('dfp_single_request', '0');
    variable_set('dfp_collapse_empty_divs', '0');
      ->assertNoRaw('googletag.pubads().enableAsyncRendering();', 'Asyncronous rendering is turned off.');
      ->assertNoRaw('googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest();', 'Single request is turned off.');
      ->assertNoRaw('googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs();', 'Collapse empty divs is turned off.');

class dfpAdTestTest extends dfpBaseTest {

   * Implements getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Displaying AdTest DFP Tags'),
      'description' => t('Tests for displaying overridden DFP tags for ad test purposes.'),
      'group' => t('DFP'),
  function testTestPage() {
    $tag = $this
    $override = $this
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/dfp_ads/test_page', array(
      'query' => array(
        'adunit_override' => $override,
      ->assertRaw('googletag.defineSlot("' . variable_get('dfp_network_id', '') . '/' . $override . '"', 'The Ad Unit Name was properly overridden on the Ad Test Page.');
  function testQueryString() {
    $tag = $this
    $override = $this
    variable_set('dfp_adtest_adunit', $override);
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/dfp_ads/test_page', array(
      'query' => array(
        'adtest' => 'true',
      ->assertRaw('googletag.defineSlot("' . variable_get('dfp_network_id', '') . '/' . $override . '"', 'The Ad Unit Name was properly overridden using the adtest query string.');

    // Check that nefarious overrride values are caught because security.
    $nefarious_override = "<script>alert('not safe');</script>";
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/dfp_ads/test_page', array(
      'query' => array(
        'adunit_override' => $nefarious_override,
      ->assertNoRaw($nefarious_override, 'Only strings without executable code can be used for the adunit_override query string.');

class DFPUnitTest extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
  protected $profile = 'testing';

   * Implementation of setUp().
  function setUp() {

    // Enable a couple modules.
    drupal_load('module', 'dfp');

   * Implements getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('DFP Unit Tests'),
      'description' => t('Checks the integrity of certain DFP functions.'),
      'group' => t('DFP'),
  function testDFPformatSize() {
    $sizes = '300x250';
    $expected_result = '[300, 250]';
      ->assertTrue(dfp_format_size($sizes) == $expected_result, 'The dfp_format_sizes function correctly handles an single size.');
    $sizes = '300x250,728x90';
    $expected_result = '[[300, 250], [728, 90]]';
      ->assertTrue(dfp_format_size($sizes) == $expected_result, 'The dfp_format_sizes function correctly handles multiple sizes.');
