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Functions in Doubleclick for Publishers (DFP) 7.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
dfp_admin_form_submit ./ Submit handler ensures that targeting values are saved with the "dfp" prefix. 1
dfp_admin_form_validate ./ Submit handler for the global DFP settings form. 1
dfp_admin_settings ./ Form builder for the global DFP settings form. 1
dfp_adtest_alter_tag ./ Alter tags for various adtest scenaroios. 1
dfp_adtest_form ./ Build a form for display at the top of the adtest page allowing users to set the adunit pattern for all dfp tags on that page. 1
dfp_adtest_page ./ Page callback for the DFP test page. It displays all tags on the site. 1
dfp_block_info ./dfp.module Implements hook_block_info().
dfp_block_view ./dfp.module Implements hook_block_view().
dfp_breakpoints_form_validate ./ Validation function used by the breakpoints form. 1
dfp_breakpoints_trim ./ Helper function that takes a form_state['values'] and removes empty breakpoints. 1
dfp_breakpoint_form_validate ./ Validation function used by an individual breakpoint in the breakpoints form. 1
dfp_contexts_more_targets_js plugins/contexts/ Ajax callback for add more targets to an ad tag. 1
dfp_contexts_more_targets_submit plugins/contexts/ Submit handler to add more targets to an ad tag. 1
dfp_context_plugins ./dfp.module Implements hook_context_plugins().
dfp_context_registry ./dfp.module Implements hook_context_registry(). 1
dfp_ctools_plugin_directory ./dfp.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
dfp_dfp_pane_content_type_edit_form plugins/content_types/ Returns an edit form for the custom type. 1
dfp_dfp_pane_content_type_edit_form_submit plugins/content_types/ Submit function for the content type.
dfp_dfp_pane_render plugins/content_types/ Output function for the 'DFP Panel' content type. 1
dfp_dfp_tag_load_alter ./dfp.module Alter a dfp tag object to integrate with the contexts module.
dfp_enable ./dfp.install Implements hook_enable().
dfp_entity_view ./dfp.module Implements hook_entity_view().
dfp_exportable_scheduler_form_group_alter ./dfp.module Alter the vertical tabs group in which the exportable scheduler form should live.
dfp_format_size ./dfp.module Format the the size of an ad tag. 4
dfp_format_slug ./dfp.module Format the the size of an ad tag. 2
dfp_format_targeting ./dfp.module Format the given array of values to be displayed as part of a javascript. 2
dfp_form_ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form_alter ./dfp.module Form alter for the ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form.
dfp_help ./dfp.module Implements hook_help().
dfp_install ./dfp.install Implements hook_install().
dfp_menu ./dfp.module Implements hook_menu().
dfp_menu_alter ./dfp.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
dfp_more_breakpoints_js ./ Ajax callback for adding breakpoints to the breakpoint form. 1
dfp_more_breakpoints_submit ./ Submit handler to add more breakpoints to an ad tag. 1
dfp_more_targets_js ./ Ajax callback for adding targets to the targeting form. 1
dfp_more_targets_submit ./ Submit handler to add more targets to an ad tag. 1
dfp_page_build ./dfp.module Implements of hook_page_build().
dfp_permission ./dfp.module Implements hook_permission().
dfp_preprocess_html ./dfp.module Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
dfp_requirements ./dfp.install Implements hook_requirements().
dfp_schema ./dfp.install Implements hook_schema().
dfp_tag ./dfp.module Return a render array for the tag specified by machinename. 4 6
dfp_tag_form plugins/export_ui/ Form builder; Create an ad tag. 1
dfp_tag_form_validate plugins/export_ui/ Form validation for the dfp_ad_tag form. 1
dfp_tag_load ./dfp.module Load function. 5 1
dfp_tag_load_all ./dfp.module Load all dfp ad tags. 8
dfp_tag_name_exists plugins/export_ui/ Check if the given machinename is unique in the dfp_tags table. 1
dfp_tag_save ./dfp.module Save a single tag.
dfp_targeting_form_validate ./ Validation function used by the targeting form. 1
dfp_targeting_trim ./ Helper function that takes a form_state['values'] and removes empty targets. 1
dfp_target_form_validate ./ Validation function used by an individual target in the targeting form. 1


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