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function dfp_format_size in Doubleclick for Publishers (DFP) 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 dfp.module \dfp_format_size()

Format the the size of an ad tag.


array $variables: 'size' => A string in the format 123x321,987x789.

Return value

string A string in the format [456, 654] or [[123, 321], [987, 789]].

4 calls to dfp_format_size()
dfpDisplayTagTest::testDisplayTag in tests/dfp_display_tag.test
DFPUnitTest::testDFPformatSize in tests/dfp_unit.test
template_preprocess_dfp_tag in ./dfp.module
Preprocess function for DFP tags.
_dfp_js_slot_definition in ./dfp.module
Helper function to build the javascript needed to define an ad slot and add it to the head tag.


./dfp.module, line 592


function dfp_format_size($size) {
  $formatted_sizes = array();
  $sizes = explode(',', check_plain($size));
  foreach ($sizes as $size) {
    $formatted_size = explode('x', trim($size));
    $formatted_sizes[] = '[' . implode(', ', $formatted_size) . ']';
  return count($formatted_sizes) == 1 ? $formatted_sizes[0] : '[' . implode(', ', $formatted_sizes) . ']';