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8 calls to dfp_tag_load_all() in Doubleclick for Publishers (DFP) 7.2

dfp_adtest_page in ./
Page callback for the DFP test page. It displays all tags on the site.
dfp_block_info in ./dfp.module
Implements hook_block_info().
dfp_context_reaction_adunit::options_form in plugins/contexts/
Allow admins to choose what DFP adunit to override.
dfp_context_reaction_outofpage::options_form in plugins/contexts/
Allow admins to choose what tags show.
dfp_context_reaction_sizes::options_form in plugins/contexts/
Allow admins to choose what DFP adunit to override.
dfp_context_reaction_tags::options_form in plugins/contexts/
Allow admins to choose what DFP tags to hide.
dfp_dfp_pane_content_type_edit_form in plugins/content_types/
Returns an edit form for the custom type.
dfp_page_build in ./dfp.module
Implements of hook_page_build().