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Functions in Devel Debug Log 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ddl ./devel_debug_log.module Saves a debug message. 1
ddl_once ./devel_debug_log.module Checks if the message has already been saved during the current page request, and saves the message only if it is not a repetition of a previous one.
devel_debug_log_callback ./devel_debug_log.module Menu callback; Retrieve a JSON object containing data for the debug messages page. 1
devel_debug_log_clear_log_form ./devel_debug_log.module Return form for dblog clear button. 1
devel_debug_log_clear_log_submit ./devel_debug_log.module Submit callback: clear database with log messages. 1
devel_debug_log_disable ./devel_debug_log.install Implements hook_disable().
devel_debug_log_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
devel_debug_log_get_messages_table ./devel_debug_log.module Helper function to return the debug messages table. 2
devel_debug_log_install ./devel_debug_log.install Implements hook_install().
devel_debug_log_menu ./devel_debug_log.module Implements hook_menu().
devel_debug_log_page ./devel_debug_log.module Displays the debug messages table. 1
devel_debug_log_refresh_frequency_form ./devel_debug_log.module Return form for Refresh Frequency. 1
devel_debug_log_theme ./devel_debug_log.module Implements hook_theme().
devel_debug_log_uninstall ./devel_debug_log.install Implements hook_uninstall().
drush_devel_debug_log_clear ./ A command callback for clearing the debug log messages.
theme_debug_message ./devel_debug_log.module Returns HTML for a debug message.
theme_debug_message_header ./devel_debug_log.module Returns HTML for a debug message header.

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