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class DevelCommands in Devel 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Commands/DevelCommands.php \Drupal\devel\Commands\DevelCommands
  2. 8 src/Commands/DevelCommands.php \Drupal\devel\Commands\DevelCommands
  3. 4.x src/Commands/DevelCommands.php \Drupal\devel\Commands\DevelCommands

For commands that are parts of modules, Drush expects to find commandfiles in __MODULE__/src/Commands, and the namespace is Drupal/__MODULE__/Commands.

In addition to a commandfile like this one, you need to add a in root of your module like this module does.


  • class \Drupal\devel\Commands\DevelCommands extends \Drush\Commands\DrushCommands

Expanded class hierarchy of DevelCommands

1 string reference to 'DevelCommands' in ./
1 service uses DevelCommands
devel.commands in ./


src/Commands/DevelCommands.php, line 19


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class DevelCommands extends DrushCommands {
  protected $token;
  protected $container;
  protected $eventDispatcher;
  protected $moduleHandler;
  public function __construct(Token $token, $container, $eventDispatcher, $moduleHandler) {
    $this->token = $token;
    $this->container = $container;
    $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;
    $this->moduleHandler = $moduleHandler;

   * @return \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
  public function getModuleHandler() {
    return $this->moduleHandler;

   * @return mixed
  public function getEventDispatcher() {
    return $this->eventDispatcher;

   * @return mixed
  public function getContainer() {
    return $this->container;

   * @return Token
  public function getToken() {
    return $this->token;

   * Uninstall, and Install modules.
   * @command devel:reinstall
   * @param $modules A comma-separated list of module names.
   * @aliases dre,devel-reinstall
   * @allow-additional-options pm-uninstall,pm-enable
  public function reinstall($modules) {
    $modules = StringUtils::csvToArray($modules);
    $modules_str = implode(',', $modules);
    drush_invoke_process('@self', 'pm:uninstall', [
    ], []);
    drush_invoke_process('@self', 'pm:enable', [
    ], []);

   * List implementations of a given hook and optionally edit one.
   * @command devel:hook
   * @param $hook The name of the hook to explore.
   * @param $implementation The name of the implementation to edit. Usually omitted.
   * @usage devel-hook cron
   *   List implementations of hook_cron().
   * @aliases fnh,fn-hook,hook,devel-hook
   * @optionset_get_editor
  function hook($hook, $implementation) {

    // Get implementations in the .install files as well.
    include_once './core/includes/';
    $info = $this
      ->codeLocate($implementation . "_{$hook}");
    $exec = drush_get_editor();
    drush_shell_exec_interactive($exec, $info['file']);

   * @hook interact hook
  public function hookInteract(Input $input, Output $output) {
    if (!$input
      ->getArgument('implementation')) {
      if ($hook_implementations = $this
        ->getArgument('hook'))) {
        if (!($choice = $this
          ->choice('Enter the number of the hook implementation you wish to view.', array_combine($hook_implementations, $hook_implementations)))) {
          throw new UserAbortException();
          ->setArgument('implementation', $choice);
      else {
        throw new \Exception(dt('No implementations'));

   * List implementations of a given event and optionally edit one.
   * @command devel:event
   * @param $event The name of the event to explore. If omitted, a list of events is shown.
   * @param $implementation The name of the implementation to show. Usually omitted.
   * @usage devel-event
   *   Pick a Kernel event, then pick an implementation, and then view its source code.
   * @usage devel-event kernel.terminate
   *   Pick a terminate subscribers implementation and view its source code.
   * @aliases fne,fn-event,event
  function event($event, $implementation) {
    $info = $this
    $exec = drush_get_editor();
    drush_shell_exec_interactive($exec, $info['file']);

   * @hook interact devel:event
  public function interactEvent(Input $input, Output $output) {
    $dispatcher = $this
    if (!$input
      ->getArgument('event')) {

      // @todo Expand this list.
      $events = array(
      $events = array_combine($events, $events);
      if (!($event = $this
        ->choice('Enter the event you wish to explore.', $events))) {
        throw new UserAbortException();
        ->setArgument('event', $event);
    if ($implementations = $dispatcher
      ->getListeners($event)) {
      foreach ($implementations as $implementation) {
        $callable = get_class($implementation[0]) . '::' . $implementation[1];
        $choices[$callable] = $callable;
      if (!($choice = $this
        ->choice('Enter the number of the implementation you wish to view.', $choices))) {
        throw new UserAbortException();
        ->setArgument('implementation', $choice);
    else {
      throw new \Exception(dt('No implementations.'));

   * List available tokens.
   * @command devel:token
   * @aliases token,devel-token
   * @field-labels
   *   group: Group
   *   token: Token
   *   name: Name
   * @default-fields group,token,name
   * @return \Consolidation\OutputFormatters\StructuredData\RowsOfFields
  public function token($options = [
    'format' => 'table',
  ]) {
    $all = $this
    foreach ($all['tokens'] as $group => $tokens) {
      foreach ($tokens as $key => $token) {
        $rows[] = [
          'group' => $group,
          'token' => $key,
          'name' => $token['name'],
    return new RowsOfFields($rows);

   * Generate a UUID.
   * @command devel:uuid
   * @aliases uuid,devel-uuid
   * @usage drush devel-uuid
   *   Outputs a Universally Unique Identifier.
   * @return string
  public function uuid() {
    $uuid = new Php();
    return $uuid

   * Get source code line for specified function or method.
  function codeLocate($function_name) {

    // Get implementations in the .install files as well.
    include_once './core/includes/';
    if (strpos($function_name, '::') === FALSE) {
      if (!function_exists($function_name)) {
        throw new \Exception(dt('Function not found'));
      $reflect = new \ReflectionFunction($function_name);
    else {
      list($class, $method) = explode('::', $function_name);
      if (!method_exists($class, $method)) {
        throw new \Exception(dt('Method not found'));
      $reflect = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
    return array(
      'file' => $reflect
      'startline' => $reflect
      'endline' => $reflect

   * Get a list of available container services.
   * @command devel:services
   * @param $prefix A prefix to filter the service list by.
   * @aliases devel-container-services,dcs,devel-services
   * @usage drush devel-services
   *   Gets a list of all available container services
   * @usage drush dcs plugin.manager
   *   Get all services containing "plugin.manager"
   * @return array
  public function services($prefix = NULL, $options = [
    'format' => 'yaml',
  ]) {
    $container = $this

    // Get a list of all available service IDs.
    $services = $container

    // If there is a prefix, try to find matches.
    if (isset($prefix)) {
      $services = preg_grep("/{$prefix}/", $services);
    if (empty($services)) {
      throw new \Exception(dt('No container services found.'));
    return $services;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DevelCommands::$container protected property
DevelCommands::$eventDispatcher protected property
DevelCommands::$moduleHandler protected property
DevelCommands::$token protected property
DevelCommands::codeLocate function Get source code line for specified function or method.
DevelCommands::event function List implementations of a given event and optionally edit one.
DevelCommands::getContainer public function
DevelCommands::getEventDispatcher public function
DevelCommands::getModuleHandler public function
DevelCommands::getToken public function
DevelCommands::hook function List implementations of a given hook and optionally edit one.
DevelCommands::hookInteract public function @hook interact hook
DevelCommands::interactEvent public function @hook interact devel:event
DevelCommands::reinstall public function Uninstall, and Install modules.
DevelCommands::services public function Get a list of available container services.
DevelCommands::token public function List available tokens.
DevelCommands::uuid public function Generate a UUID.
DevelCommands::__construct public function