function _devel_node_access_explain_access in Devel 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7 devel_node_access.module \_devel_node_access_explain_access()
Helper function that mimicks node.module's node_access() function.
Unfortunately, this needs to be updated manually whenever node.module changes!
Return value
An array suitable for theming with theme_dna_permission().
1 call to _devel_node_access_explain_access()
- ./
devel_node_access.module, line 554 - This module gives developers feedback as to what their node_access table contains, and which nodes are protected or visible to the public.
function _devel_node_access_explain_access($op, $node, $account = NULL) {
global $user;
static $filter_formats;
if (is_numeric($node) && !($node = node_load($node))) {
return array(
t('Unable to load the node – this should never happen!'),
if ($op == 'create' && is_object($node)) {
$node = $node->type;
if (!empty($account)) {
$filter_formats = filter_formats();
// use real current user first!
// To try to get the most authentic result we impersonate the given user!
// This may reveal bugs in other modules, leading to contradictory results.
$saved_user = $user;
$user = $account;
$result = _devel_node_access_explain_access($op, $node, NULL);
$user = $saved_user;
$second_opinion = node_access($op, $node, $account);
if ($second_opinion != $result[0]) {
$result[1] .= '<span class="' . ($second_opinion ? 'ok' : 'error') . '" title="Core seems to disagree on this item. This is a bug in either DNA or Core and should be fixed! Try to look at this node as this user and check whether there is still disagreement.">*</span>';
return $result;
$variables = array(
'!NO' => t('NO'),
'!YES' => t('YES'),
if ($op == 'update' && !_devel_node_access_filter_access($node->format)) {
return array(
t('!NO: input format', $variables),
t("!NO: This user is not allowed to use the input format '!format' (!fid).", $variables += array(
'!fid' => $node->format,
'!format' => isset($filter_formats[$node->format]) ? $filter_formats[$node->format]->name : '***',
if (user_access('administer nodes')) {
return array(
t('!YES: administer nodes', $variables),
t("!YES: This user has the '!administer_nodes' permission and may do everything with nodes.", $variables += array(
'!administer_nodes' => t('administer nodes'),
elseif (!user_access('access content')) {
return array(
t('!NO: access content', $variables),
t("!NO: This user does not have the '!access_content' permission and is denied doing anything with content.", $variables += array(
'!access_content' => t('access content'),
$module = node_get_types('module', $node);
$access = module_invoke($module == 'node' ? 'node_content' : $module, 'access', $op, $node, $user);
if (!is_null($access)) {
$variables += array(
'@module' => $module,
'@content_type' => is_object($node) ? $node->type : $node,
if ($access) {
return array(
t('!YES: by the module', $variables),
t("!YES: The '@module' module (which defines the '@content_type' content type) allows this, probably based on some permission.", $variables),
else {
return array(
t('!NO: by the module', $variables),
t("!NO: The '@module' module (which defines the '@content_type' content type) denies this.", $variables),
if ($op != 'create' && $node->nid && $node->status) {
if (node_access($op, $node, $user)) {
// delegate this part
$variables['@node_access_table'] = '{node_access}';
return array(
t('!YES: @node_access_table', $variables),
t('!YES: Node access allows this based on one or more records in the @node_access_table table (see the other DNA block!).', $variables),
else {
return array(
t('!NO: node access', $variables),
t('!NO: Node access denies this.', $variables),
if ($op == 'view' && $user->uid == $node->uid && $user->uid != 0) {
return array(
t('!YES: own node', $variables),
t('!YES: The user may view his/her own node.', $variables),
return array(
t('!NO: no reason', $variables),
t("!NO: None of the checks resulted in allowing this, so it's denied.", $variables) . ($op != 'create' && !$node->status ? ' ' . t('Node access was not checked because the node is not published.') : '') . ($op == 'create' ? ' ' . t('This is most likely due to a withheld permission.') : ''),