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class DevelGenerateCommands in Devel 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 devel_generate/src/Commands/DevelGenerateCommands.php \Drupal\devel_generate\Commands\DevelGenerateCommands
  2. 8.2 devel_generate/src/Commands/DevelGenerateCommands.php \Drupal\devel_generate\Commands\DevelGenerateCommands
  3. 4.x devel_generate/src/Commands/DevelGenerateCommands.php \Drupal\devel_generate\Commands\DevelGenerateCommands

Provide Drush commands for all the Devel Generate processes.

For commands that are parts of modules, Drush expects to find commandfiles in __MODULE__/src/Commands, and the namespace is Drupal/__MODULE__/Commands.

In addition to a commandfile like this one, you need to add a in the root of your module like this module does.


Expanded class hierarchy of DevelGenerateCommands

1 string reference to 'DevelGenerateCommands' in devel_generate/
1 service uses DevelGenerateCommands
develgenerate.commands in devel_generate/


devel_generate/src/Commands/DevelGenerateCommands.php, line 18


View source
class DevelGenerateCommands extends DrushCommands {

   * The DevelGenerate plugin manager.
   * @var \Drupal\devel_generate\DevelGeneratePluginManager
  protected $manager;

   * The plugin instance.
   * @var \Drupal\devel_generate\DevelGenerateBaseInterface
  protected $pluginInstance;

   * The Generate plugin parameters.
   * @var array
  protected $parameters;

   * DevelGenerateCommands constructor.
   * @param \Drupal\devel_generate\DevelGeneratePluginManager $manager
   *   The DevelGenerate plugin manager.
  public function __construct(DevelGeneratePluginManager $manager) {

   * Get the DevelGenerate plugin manager.
   * @return \Drupal\devel_generate\DevelGeneratePluginManager
   *   The DevelGenerate plugin manager.
  public function getManager() {
    return $this->manager;

   * Set the DevelGenerate plugin manager.
   * @param \Drupal\devel_generate\DevelGeneratePluginManager $manager
   *   The DevelGenerate plugin manager.
  public function setManager(DevelGeneratePluginManager $manager) {
    $this->manager = $manager;

   * Get the DevelGenerate plugin instance.
   * @return mixed
   *   The DevelGenerate plugin instance.
  public function getPluginInstance() {
    return $this->pluginInstance;

   * Set the DevelGenerate plugin instance.
   * @param mixed $pluginInstance
   *   The DevelGenerate plugin instance.
  public function setPluginInstance($pluginInstance) {
    $this->pluginInstance = $pluginInstance;

   * Get the DevelGenerate plugin parameters.
   * @return array
   *   The plugin parameters.
  public function getParameters() {
    return $this->parameters;

   * Set the DevelGenerate plugin parameters.
   * @param array $parameters
   *   The plugin parameters.
  public function setParameters(array $parameters) {
    $this->parameters = $parameters;

   * Create users.
   * @command devel-generate:users
   * @aliases genu, devel-generate-users
   * @pluginId user
   * @param int $num
   *   Number of users to generate.
   * @param array $options
   *   Array of options as described below.
   * @option kill Delete all users before generating new ones.
   * @option roles A comma delimited list of role IDs for new users. Don't specify 'authenticated'.
   * @option pass Specify a password to be set for all generated users.
  public function users($num = 50, array $options = [
    'kill' => FALSE,
    'roles' => '',
  ]) {

    // @todo pass $options to the plugins.

   * Create terms in specified vocabulary.
   * @command devel-generate:terms
   * @aliases gent, devel-generate-terms
   * @pluginId term
   * @param int $num
   *   Number of terms to generate.
   * @param array $options
   *   Array of options as described below.
   * @option kill Delete all terms before generating new ones.
   * @option bundles A comma-delimited list of machine names for the vocabularies where terms will be created.
   * @option feedback An integer representing interval for insertion rate logging.
   * @option languages A comma-separated list of language codes
   * @option translations A comma-separated list of language codes for translations.
  public function terms($num = 50, array $options = [
    'kill' => FALSE,
    'bundles' => NULL,
    'feedback' => 1000,
    'languages' => NULL,
    'translations' => NULL,
  ]) {

   * Create vocabularies.
   * @command devel-generate:vocabs
   * @aliases genv, devel-generate-vocabs
   * @pluginId vocabulary
   * @validate-module-enabled taxonomy
   * @param int $num
   *   Number of vocabularies to generate.
   * @param array $options
   *   Array of options as described below.
   * @option kill Delete all vocabs before generating new ones.
  public function vocabs($num = 1, array $options = [
    'kill' => FALSE,
  ]) {

   * Create menus.
   * @command devel-generate:menus
   * @aliases genm, devel-generate-menus
   * @pluginId menu
   * @validate-module-enabled menu_link_content
   * @param int $number_menus
   *   Number of menus to generate.
   * @param int $number_links
   *   Number of links to generate.
   * @param int $max_depth
   *   Max link depth.
   * @param int $max_width
   *   Max width of first level of links.
   * @param array $options
   *   Array of options as described below.
   * @option kill Delete any menus and menu links previously created by devel_generate before generating new ones.
  public function menus($number_menus = 2, $number_links = 50, $max_depth = 3, $max_width = 8, array $options = [
    'kill' => FALSE,
  ]) {

   * Create content.
   * @command devel-generate:content
   * @aliases genc, devel-generate-content
   * @pluginId content
   * @validate-module-enabled node
   * @param int $num
   *   Number of nodes to generate.
   * @param int $max_comments
   *   Maximum number of comments to generate.
   * @param array $options
   *   Array of options as described below.
   * @option kill Delete all content before generating new content.
   * @option bundles A comma-delimited list of content types to create.
   * @option authors A comma delimited list of authors ids. Defaults to all users.
   * @option feedback An integer representing interval for insertion rate logging.
   * @option skip-fields A comma delimited list of fields to omit when generating random values
   * @option languages A comma-separated list of language codes
   * @option translations A comma-separated list of language codes for translations.
   * @option add-type-label Add the content type label to the front of the node title
  public function content($num = 50, $max_comments = 0, array $options = [
    'kill' => FALSE,
    'bundles' => 'page,article',
    'authors' => NULL,
    'feedback' => 1000,
    'languages' => NULL,
    'translations' => NULL,
    'add-type-label' => FALSE,
  ]) {

   * Create media items.
   * @command devel-generate:media
   * @aliases genmd, devel-generate-media
   * @pluginId media
   * @validate-module-enabled media
   * @param int $num
   *   Number of media items to generate.
   * @param array $options
   *   Array of options as described below.
   * @option kill Delete all media items before generating new media.
   * @option media-types A comma-delimited list of media types to create.
   * @option feedback An integer representing interval for insertion rate logging.
   * @option skip-fields A comma delimited list of fields to omit when generating random values.
   * @option languages A comma-separated list of language codes
  public function media($num = 50, array $options = [
    'kill' => FALSE,
    'media-types' => NULL,
    'feedback' => 1000,
  ]) {

   * The standard drush validate hook.
   * @hook validate
   * @param \Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\CommandData $commandData
   *   The data sent from the drush command.
  public function validate(CommandData $commandData) {
    $manager = $this
    $args = $commandData

    // The command name is the first argument but we do not need this.

    /* @var DevelGenerateBaseInterface $instance */
    $instance = $manager
      ->get('pluginId'), []);
    $parameters = $instance
      ->validateDrushParams($args, $commandData

   * Wrapper for calling the plugin instance generate function.
  public function generate() {
    $instance = $this



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DevelGenerateCommands::$manager protected property The DevelGenerate plugin manager.
DevelGenerateCommands::$parameters protected property The Generate plugin parameters.
DevelGenerateCommands::$pluginInstance protected property The plugin instance.
DevelGenerateCommands::content public function Create content.
DevelGenerateCommands::generate public function Wrapper for calling the plugin instance generate function.
DevelGenerateCommands::getManager public function Get the DevelGenerate plugin manager.
DevelGenerateCommands::getParameters public function Get the DevelGenerate plugin parameters.
DevelGenerateCommands::getPluginInstance public function Get the DevelGenerate plugin instance.
DevelGenerateCommands::media public function Create media items.
DevelGenerateCommands::menus public function Create menus.
DevelGenerateCommands::setManager public function Set the DevelGenerate plugin manager.
DevelGenerateCommands::setParameters public function Set the DevelGenerate plugin parameters.
DevelGenerateCommands::setPluginInstance public function Set the DevelGenerate plugin instance.
DevelGenerateCommands::terms public function Create terms in specified vocabulary.
DevelGenerateCommands::users public function Create users.
DevelGenerateCommands::validate public function The standard drush validate hook.
DevelGenerateCommands::vocabs public function Create vocabularies.
DevelGenerateCommands::__construct public function DevelGenerateCommands constructor.