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function designkit_valid_color in DesignKit 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 designkit.module \designkit_valid_color()

Determine whether a given color string is valid. Must be in the form of #ffffff (6 digit hex with preceding #) or #fff (3 digit hex with preceding #).

4 calls to designkit_valid_color()
designkit_colorhsl in ./designkit.module
Retrieve the HSL of a color, or the specified component.
designkit_colorshift in ./designkit.module
Apply a shift color to a source color by a certain opacity value.
designkit_validate_color in ./
Element validate callback for color setting.
_designkit_form_alter in ./
Implementation of hook_form_alter() for spaces_features_form, system_theme_settings.
1 string reference to 'designkit_valid_color'
designkit_preprocess_page in ./designkit.module
Turn design choices into theme variables.


./designkit.module, line 108


function designkit_valid_color($color) {
  $matches = array();
  preg_match('/(#[0-9a-f]{6}|#[0-9a-f]{3})/i', $color, $matches);
  if ($matches && (strlen($color) === 7 || strlen($color) === 3)) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;