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function user_deploy_check_user in Deploy - Content Staging 6

Check to see if a user should be added to the deployment plan currently being pushed.

This function goes through the motions of checking whether a user should be deployed, or whether it can just be ignored. This is part of the dependency checking mechanism for drupal items that refer to users (like for instance nodes.)


$uid: The unique identifier for the user being checked.

1 call to user_deploy_check_user()
user_deploy_node_deploy_check in modules/user_deploy/user_deploy.module
Implementation of hook_node_deploy_check().


modules/user_deploy/user_deploy.module, line 36
Deployment API which enables modules to deploy items between servers.


function user_deploy_check_user($uid) {

  // Get the remote server info.
  $url = variable_get('deploy_server_url', '');
  $pid = variable_get('deploy_pid', 0);

  // If this user is already in the deployment plan then either
  // a) it was added by the user and will get checked down the line or
  // b) it was added through dependency checks and its already been
  // dealt with. So we just move on in this case.
  // Also skip past if uid > 1 (IE this is not the admin or anonymous user)
  // If anyone knows of a less-ugly way to say that then I'd love to hear
  // about it.
  if (!deploy_item_is_in_plan($pid, 'user', $uid) && $uid > 1) {
    $account = user_load(array(
      'uid' => $uid,

    // Does this user exist on the remote server?
    $remote_key = deploy_get_remote_key($account->uuid, 'users');

    // If not we're going to add it to the deployment plan, with a weight
    // of min(weight) - 1.
    if (!$remote_key) {
      deploy_add_to_plan($pid, 'user', 'User: ' . $account->name, $uid, deploy_get_min_weight($pid) - 1, DEPLOY_USER_GROUP_WEIGHT);

      // Now that we're deploying a user, we need to check all of its
      // dependencies (might be able to skip this now that we've eliminated roles)
      module_invoke_all('user_deploy_check', $account);