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function deploy_ui_overview_page in Deploy - Content Staging 7.2

Page callback for the overview page.

1 string reference to 'deploy_ui_overview_page'
deploy_ui_menu in modules/deploy_ui/deploy_ui.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


modules/deploy_ui/, line 10
Deploy UI page functions.


function deploy_ui_overview_page() {
  $plans = deploy_plan_load_all_enabled();
  $blocks = array();

  // Iterate over all plans.
  foreach ($plans as $plan) {
    $info = array();

    // Get the entity keys from the aggregator.
    $entity_keys = $plan
    foreach ($entity_keys as $entity_key) {

      // Get the entity info and all entities of this type.
      $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_key['type']);
      if (!empty($entity_info['entity keys']['revision']) && !empty($entity_key['revision_id'])) {
        $entity = entity_revision_load($entity_key['type'], $entity_key['revision_id']);
      else {
        $entity = entity_load_single($entity_key['type'], $entity_key['id']);
      $title = "{$entity_key['type']}:{$entity_key['id']}";
      $label = entity_label($entity_key['type'], $entity);
      if ($label) {
        $title = $label;
      if ($entity_info['entity keys']['revision'] && !empty($entity_key['revision_id'])) {
        $title = t('@title (rev:@rev_id)', array(
          '@title' => $title,
          '@rev_id' => $entity_key['revision_id'],

      // Some entities fail fatally with entity_uri() and
      // entity_extract_ids(). So handle this gracefully.
      try {
        $uri = entity_uri($entity_key['type'], $entity);
        if ($uri) {
          $title = l($title, $uri['path'], $uri['options']);
      } catch (Exception $e) {
        watchdog_exception('deploy_ui', $e);

      // Construct a usable array for the theme function.
      $info[] = array(
        'title' => $title,
        'type' => $entity_info['label'],

    // Construct a usable array for the theme function.
    $blocks[] = array(
      'plan_name' => check_plain($plan->name),
      'plan_title' => check_plain($plan->title),
      'plan_description' => check_plain($plan->description),
      'content' => theme('deploy_ui_overview_plan_content', array(
        'info' => $info,
      'fetch_only' => $plan->fetch_only,
      'status' => deploy_plan_get_status($plan->name),
  return theme('deploy_ui_overview', array(
    'blocks' => $blocks,