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function _deploy_auto_plan_plans_list in Deploy - Content Staging 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 modules/deploy_auto_plan/deploy_auto_plan.module \_deploy_auto_plan_plans_list()

Fetches a list of deployment plans.

Return value

array The list of available plans.

2 calls to _deploy_auto_plan_plans_list()
deploy_adhoc_plan_settings in modules/deploy_adhoc_plan/deploy_adhoc_plan.module
Admin settings form.
deploy_auto_plan_settings in modules/deploy_auto_plan/deploy_auto_plan.module
Admin settings form.


modules/deploy_auto_plan/deploy_auto_plan.module, line 186
Deploy Auto Plan module functions.


function _deploy_auto_plan_plans_list() {
  $options = array();
  $conditions = array(
    'aggregator_plugin' => 'DeployAggregatorManaged',
  $plans = deploy_plan_load_all($conditions);
  foreach ($plans as $plan) {
    $options[$plan->name] = $plan->title;
  return $options;