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class DeployAggregatorViews in Deploy - Content Staging 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 modules/deploy_aggregator_views/plugins/ \DeployAggregatorViews

Class for a deploy aggregator that aggregates entities using a View.


Expanded class hierarchy of DeployAggregatorViews

1 string reference to 'DeployAggregatorViews'
deploy_aggregator_views_deploy_aggregators in modules/deploy_aggregator_views/deploy_aggregator_views.module
Implementation of hook_deploy_aggregators().


modules/deploy_aggregator_views/plugins/, line 10
Views based aggregator for deployment plan entities.

View source
class DeployAggregatorViews extends DeployAggregatorBase {
  public $config = array();

   * Holds a reference to the plan object that initiated it.
   * @var DeployPlan
  public $plan;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct(DeployPlan $plan = NULL, array $config = array()) {
    $defaults = array(
      'debug' => FALSE,
      'view_name' => '',
    $this->config = array_merge($defaults, $config);
    $this->plan = $plan;

   * Get aggregated entities.
  public function getEntities() {
    $view = views_get_view($this->config['view_name'], 'default');
    $table_data = views_fetch_data($view->base_table);
    $entity_type = $table_data['table']['entity type'];
    $entity_id_field = $table_data['table']['base']['field'];
    $view_results = views_get_view_result($view->name, 'default');
    $entities = array();
    foreach ($view_results as $view_result) {
      $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
      $revision_key = $entity_info['entity keys']['revision'];
      $entity_id = $view_result->{$entity_id_field};
      $entity = entity_load($entity_type, array(
      $entities[] = array(
        'type' => $entity_type,
        'id' => $entity_id,
        'revision_id' => $entity[$entity_id]->{$revision_key},
    return $entities;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function configForm(&$form_state) {
    $form = array();
    $options = array();
    $views = views_get_enabled_views();
    foreach ($views as $view_name => $view) {
      $options[$view_name] = !empty($view->human_name) ? $view->human_name : $view->name;
    $form['view_name'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('View'),
      '#description' => t('Select the view that is going to provide this deployment plan with content.'),
      '#options' => $options,
      '#default_value' => $this->config['view_name'],
    return $form;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DeployAggregatorBase::getIterator public function Returns a DeployIteratorIterator, which can iterate through recursive iterators
DeployAggregatorViews::$config public property
DeployAggregatorViews::$plan public property Holds a reference to the plan object that initiated it.
DeployAggregatorViews::configForm public function Defines the configuration form for the aggregator. Overrides DeployAggregatorBase::configForm
DeployAggregatorViews::getEntities public function Get aggregated entities. Overrides DeployAggregatorBase::getEntities
DeployAggregatorViews::__construct public function Constructor for a deploy aggregator. Overrides DeployAggregatorBase::__construct