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function deploy_item in Deploy - Content Staging 6

Deploy a specified item to a remote server.


$item: The item being deployed.

3 calls to deploy_item()
deploy_item_batch in ./deploy.module
Wrapper function to deploy_item() with batch API goodness.
deploy_plan in ./deploy.module
Deploy the specified plan to a remote server
drush_deploy in includes/
Deploy a plan from the command line with drush.


./deploy.module, line 775
Deployment API which enables modules to deploy items between servers.


function deploy_item($item) {

  // By default, is only included when xmlrpc() is called.
  // Since I am using xmlrpcerror() as an error handler (unfortunately)
  // there is an edge case where I'll need this loaded before I've called
  // xmlrpc(). So I include it manually here.
  include_once './includes/';

  // Static error flag so that we can use it between calls and not have to
  // handle errors in the batch process.
  $deploy_fatal = variable_get('deploy_fatal', FALSE);

  // If nothing has previously errored out, then try and deploy the current item.
  // Otherwise, note in the log that this item was not deployed due to previous error.
  if (!$deploy_fatal) {

    // Call the module's deployment function.
    $xmlrpc_result = module_invoke($item['module'], 'deploy', $item['data']);

    // If it results in failure, log the error message and set the $deploy_fatal
    // flag. Otherise log success and move onto the next one.
    if ($xmlrpc_result === FALSE) {
      variable_set('deploy_fatal', TRUE);
      $result = t('Error');
      $message = xmlrpc_error_msg();
    else {
      $result = t('Success');
      $message = '';
  else {
    $result = t('Not Sent');
    $message = t('Item not sent due to prior fatal error.');

  // And log the results.
  db_query("INSERT INTO {deploy_log_details} (dlid, module, description, result, message) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", variable_get('deploy_log_id', ''), $item['module'], $item['description'], $result, $message);