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function deploy_endpoint_load in Deploy - Content Staging 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 deploy.module \deploy_endpoint_load()

Loader callback for a deployment endpoint.

5 calls to deploy_endpoint_load()
DeployPlan::deploy in includes/
Deploy the plan.
DeployWebTestCase::editEndpoint in ./deploy.test
Edit an endpoint to make it point to a specific site in this test environment.
deploy_batch_finished_operation in ./deploy.module
Batch API 'finished' callback.
deploy_queue_worker_deploy in ./deploy.module
Processes a single queued item for deployment.
deploy_queue_worker_publish in ./deploy.module
Processes a single queued item for publishing.
2 string references to 'deploy_endpoint_load'
deploy_schema in ./deploy.install
Implements hook_schema().
deploy_ui_endpoint::edit_form in modules/deploy_ui/plugins/export_ui/deploy_ui_endpoint.class.php
Form callback for basic config.


./deploy.module, line 245
Deploy module functions.


function deploy_endpoint_load($name) {
  $endpoints = deploy_endpoint_load_all();
  if (isset($endpoints[$name])) {
    return $endpoints[$name];
  return FALSE;