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function delta_help in Delta 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 delta.module \delta_help()

Implementation of hook_help().

See also


./delta.module, line 30
The Delta Theme API is an advanced manipulation of the Theme Settings API to allow for customization/configuration of theme settings based on node types, context, or groups of paths.


function delta_help($path, $arg) {

  // pull the theme arg in default drupal IA
  if ($arg[0] == 'admin' && $arg[1] == 'build' && $arg[2] == 'delta' && $arg[3] == 'settings') {
    $theme = $arg[4];
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/build/delta':
    case 'admin/build/delta/settings/' . $theme:
    case 'admin/help#delta':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<p>The Delta Theme Settings API provides advanced theme functionality to implement a system where the default theme settings may be overriden based on a set of criteria.</p>';
      $output .= '<p>This is pretty much cool, wrapped in freaking cool.</p>';
      return $output;